errors in Table I and appears therefore to be the limiting factor in the
acquisition of the digital data bank information. As expected the standard
error in the vertical identification of the boundary points was lower than the
standard error in planimetric identification, and is exceeded by the rms
vertical errors in Table I, derived for the tests with reduced X-parallax to
height ratios. The advantages of improved image quality by the use of smaller
X-parallax to height ratios in the generation of stereo-orthophotos must
therefore be carefully weighted with respect to the resulting drop in vertical
accuracy which may have a sígnificant effect on the final accuracy.
The experience obtained so far in the pilot project has demonstrated the
suitability and versatility of the stereo-orthophoto technique for the
acquisition of cadastral information. It has been demonstrated that, for the
type of information, to be collected for. the rural areas, the accuracy of the
stereo—orthophoto system, presently in operation at IGAC, is adequate. The
dominant source of errors in the system was found to be in the identification
of parcel boundaries ín the photographic images. Additional tests are
necessary to determine to which extent the stereo-orthophoto technique can be
used to digitize the information for built-up areas and at which stage more
accurate systems, such as the analytical plotter, will have to be used.
The configuration of the present prototype system at IGAC is capable of
processing and storing the amount of data required for a typical cadastral
region in Colombia. Although aerial triangulation and the production of
stereo-orthophotos and digital terrain models would remain to be carried out
centrally at the head office in Bogota, the data acquisition at a regional
level, particularly when based on the stereo-orthophoto technique, appears to
be a logical and desirable solution.
Gonzalez-Fletcher, A., "Modern Technology in Cadastral Operations in
Developing Countries", the Canadian Surveyor, Vol. 34, No. 1, March 1980,
pp. 54-64.
IGAC, "El Catastro como Base para el Desarrollo”, Revista Cartografica 37,
July 1980, pp. 59-73.
Jaksic, Z., "On-Line Computational Photogrammetry in Geocoded Land
Information Systems", Proceedings FIG XVIth Congress, Montreux,
Switzerland, August 1981, pp. 510.6, 1-13.
Jaksic, Z., van Wijk, M.C., "The Prototype Land Information System for the
Cadastral Pilot Project in Colombia”, Proceedings Auto Carto Six, Ottawa,
Ontario, October 1983, pp. 128-137.
van Wijk, M.C., "Geometrical Quality of Stereo-orthophotos Produced from
Automatic Image Correlation Data", Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote
Sensing, Vol. 45, No. 10, October 1979, pp. 1365-1369.
van Wijk, M.C., "Instrumentation for Land Information Data Acquisition Based
on Stereo Orthophotos", Proceedings ISPRS Commission II Symposium,
International Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. 24-11, ISSN 0252-8231,
September 1982, pp. 110-116. :