Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A2)

The performance parameters and working possibilities of 
Rectimat C /T, 2/ are implemented only by the interworking of the 
mechanical-optical and electrical units with the programs and 
program parts of the software package. Part of the electrical 
equipment section /37 is a microcomputer with a U 880 central pro- 
cessor unit (CPU). Its memories include 1 X RAM and 15 X PROM. 
For controlling the servo-motor amplifiers and the display and 
for taking over the values from the incremental encoders (IGR) 
and from the keyboards, peripheral PC boards with I/O units and 
time counting units as well as the PC boards "counter" for 8 setting 
elements are connected via a bus system with the CPU. 
Two different operating modes may be distinguished in Rectimat C. 
During the fitting of points to control templates it is necessary 
to continuously guide the setting elements and to maintain sharp 
focus (rectification by control points), whereas with given 
magnification and known tilts only the final state is of interest 
(rectification by setting values) without it being necessary that 
during the setting procedure the model conditions have to be ful- 
filled. The former means that the programs must run as real-time 
programs with time conditions. 
The programs can be subdivided according to different aspects: 
- working regime of the equipment, 
- functional groups of the machine, 
- Special requirements of the functional groups and hardware 
The objective of this article is neither a systematic represen- 
t. 'on nor a complete explanation of all program functions, but a 
desc. iption only of essential features of the software package. 
It must not be left unmentioned that the use of a microcomputer 
and the associated software package for the control of the equipment 
involves changes in operation. The more the software becomes a 
central part of a machine and is not only an aid for individual 
partial processes, the more these differences become noticeable in 
the operation of & machine. Especially by the combination possibili- 
ties of buttons and their sequence of operation manifold processes 
can be realized. Furthermore, the computer allows to add quite a 
Series of safety elements, button interlocks and failure displays, 
which in traditional equipments have to be dispensed with because 
of the too high constructional outlay. 
The above viewpoints of subdivision also show that all functions 
and processes of the Rectimat C rectifier are associated with 
software programs or are controlled by programs. 
Cperating controls of the equipment are: 
- main switch of the equipment, 
- input (or operating) keyboard (stationary operating panel), 
- keyboard for machine motions (portable operating keyboard). 
The following functions are realized by the microcomputer: 
- positioning of the setting elements, 
- diaphragm setting, 
- filter setting, 
- positioning of the projection lamp, 
- Setting of the tilt compensation filter, 
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