Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A2)

Prack function 
- Synchronous following of the drawing tool in accordance 
with fiducial mark movement 
Line function 
- Siraighi-line joining of measuring points 
Duplicate function 
— presentation of parallels to open polygons 
Area function 
— hatching of polygon (hatching distance an angle freely 
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Point function 
- mapping of points 
> recording of height numbers 
— recording of the area 
— Output of character strings(text) 
- mapping of symbols 
34:54 Registration 
With the subprogram zn be output from 
the measuring system device or printer, 
The data consist of dinates, The coor- 
dina tes are national bsolute orientation 
was calculated before. However, if the unity matrix was set, 
then pes coordinates will be registered, The output for- 
mat for the point numbers and the coordinates is fixed 3 
the program module for status. The tabulator (09 H) is used 
as separating mark between point number and coordinates, 
With the double foot switoh it is possible to control the 
character-by-character or block-by-block registration. 
3.6. Off-line Operation 
In off-line operation connections are possible between the 
peripheral instruments display, drawing table, diskette, 
magnetic tape and printer. In the following only the impor- 
tant connections will be mentioned: 
from diskette (or magnetic tape) ~ automatic mapping 
to drawing table 
from diskette (or magnetic tape) - listing of a data file 
to printer 
from display - writing of commentis 
to printer 
from display — map revision 
to drawing table 
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4. Operational tools 
- POTUM Fr 1 x WET EA Lr bay 
in principle 1t 1s possible to input all commands viz the 
ns -" 13 Hana 3 TI pau =F +: £g? EGaAÓS S n+ 3 uri +} i 
GI1SPLAY Keyboard, However, the convenient operation with the 

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