rhe process eiming at solution developments rsquires tne lar-
gest computation effort as regards the computation algorithm
programming into a computer; that is why, soma features re-
lated to associate matrix solution send inversion |[R] have been
considered. Three subroutinas have bean devaloped: the first
for the strip-type structura matrix inversion, the second for
aquation system solutions and the associata matrix inversion,.
and the third for equation system solutions, which associatsa
natrix has a strip-type structure.
Fractical results
Tha algorithm and the computation progranme have baen tested
using either fictitious or real data, considaring both strip
and block. In both cases, the strip has lO photographs, and
the block has 4 strips and 10 photographs each. The msan
square arrors of the computed coordinates for strip and block
considaring fictitious and raal data, respectively,ars shown
in Tobia 1, :
fabia 1
n m m
Gags) [ar [= [af
Fictitious Strip 104,15 + 0,15 + 0,20
data Block * 0,21 + 0,21 + 0,41
äsal Strip + 0,29 + 0,31 + 0,46
data Block + 0,57 + 0,35 + 0,50
Tha finsl results cartify tha usefulness and efficiancy of the
davaloped algorithm snd computation prograums. The possibility
to diractly use gaodatic measurements into adjustmant solvas
ona of tha most difficult problems regarding control point im
plauentation in zones covared by forest vegatation or whare
significant datails are missing.
l. Wong K.W. - harotriangulation by SAFGO. Fhobtogren.jng.4no .8,
2. Glphingstona G.ik. - Larga Block SArGO Frogresu,Phnotogrem.
Sng,nos1, 1975,
4, Mikhail 2.u., Ackarmann F. - Observations and Least Sqarss,
ISF-A Dun - Donnallay Fublishar, New-York, 1979.
5. Kosculat D. - Indesirea punctslor de sprijin prin esrotri-
angulstie snaliticë. Tsz& das doctorat, Sucurssti, 1980,
ps FN
in O cr ct 75