Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A3)

Opticallv photographed stereo pairs of. imagery are the 
most commonly used photogrammetric source: for DTM!s. 
Optical photogrammetric techniques have developed since 
the second half of theil8Sth -century;rand the Fourth Edition 
of the Manual “of Photogrammetry is probably the- best ref- 
erence on this topic. Without going into further detail 
about -opticai photosrammetry as a. source of. DTM's, it should 
be emphasized that most if not all of the modern day ana- 
lytical stereoplotters^collect'either eievation point)or 
profile data in an electro-optical environment based upon 
rigorous geometrical and mathematical principles.’ Digital 
correlation and production of DIM's:wilil ber:discussed 
o side-looking and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) may 
be'-o' viable: source for DTM's; :lLeberliet. al. 19982) 
omik et. al. (1983) provide good mathematical develop- 
for radargrammetry, and Elachi et: al (1992) provide 
& good discussion on SAR techniques. : Crude DTM's have been 
produced using SÉASAT-SAR, and the recent support given to 
new research efforts should produce SAR based DTM's in the 
near future. An interesting proposal has been made by 
Breshears et. al. (1982) to use interferometric SAR to pro- 
duce contour information, and a preliminary experiment was 
The use of non-stereo imagery sensed with multi-spectral 
bands by ‘Landsat as & source for DTM's'iMas been presented 
by Haralick (see Wang, et.:al.] ina variety of :papers. 
Basically, the concept is to automatically cluster similar 
reflectance classes and then subcluster the image into a 
reflectance image using multi-spectral ratios and a.topo: 
graphic modulation image from which a DTM is produced using 
an elevation growing technique. 
Data Collected in DTM Compilation 
The purpose of producing a DTM is-to obtain:.a numerical 
representation of a landform.. As previousiy mentioned, 
commonly collected information includesocontour:or iso- 
elevation data, spot elevations, and elevation profiles. 
Alternative information that might:be collected inciude 
slope, curvature, ridge and drainage patterns, fractals, 
power spectrum, and surface polynomial descriptors.: The 
non-stereo Landsat approach mentioned collects reflectance 
information which is a function of the slope information. 
It. is important not to confuse the method of; representation 
of the DIM with the data collected,.as.the.qualitv.of. the 
DTM ‘is highly dependent upon the information inherent in 
the model, as well‘ as to data degradation resultant. fron 
the method of representation.

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