Fig. 4. Selfsimilarity in Norway.
This concept may be illustrated in the Norwegian terrain. Figure 4 shows
two drawings of the same profile at different scales. Both these drawings
look very similar in their structure and their scale or scale relation can-
not be derived by mere inspection of the drawings.
Based on this definition of selfsimilarity, Mandelbrot introduced ran-
dom functions, called "Fractals", which possess this property and from
which - under mild restrictions - the terrain models (3), (5) and (8)
can be deduced. These Fractals are in principle deduced by a yER_summa-
tion (integration) of independent random variables. Although we are only
familiar with L = and 2 order summations (cf. the error theory of strip
triangulation; Vermeir, 1954; Ackermann, 1965), a fractal summation or
integration of order Y(Y noninteger) may be defined by extending the clas-
sical definition of the n"! integral to noninteger values n - Y (Holmgreen-
Riemann-Liouville fractional integral, cf. Levy, 1953)
20) xw) [x37 ants) (10)
with dB normally distributed, independent and equally accurate increments
(white noise) and K(Yy) a constant depending on Y. The constant Y relates
to a and B by Y = +(8+1)= # a. The concept of Fractals is recently applied
very intensively to model and classify terrain forms, cf. for example Há-
kanson, 1978; Shelberg et al 1982; Goodchild 1980, and Mandelbrot 1975.
Much more attention for this concept is expected in future.
In analogy with fractal integration one may define fractal differentiation,
(Y) er)
à is dh
de À Li LT