Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A3)

the external device. Linked lists are used for point, camera, 
observation and image data bases. The linked list for the 
images is also the base for a data Structure’ to handle .a11 
image connections for -stereo models and multiple overlapping 
The combination of a photogrammetric bundle adjustment 
with an analytical steroplotter offers nany ‘new facilities to 
the user. The most important facility is interactivity. This 
allowes the operator to measure all his data in an interactive 
way (delete, remeasure etc.) Checking of results and error 
detection is possible in every step during the entire procedure 
and thus reduces the possibility of including errors in the 
final adjustment; 
ABDEL-AZIZ, Y.1. and —^H.M. KARARA (1971): 
Direct linear transformation from comparator  ooordinates 
into object space coordinates in close-range photogrammetry. 
Proceedings of the ASP/UI Symposium on  Close-Range 
Photogrammetry, Urbana, 
Illinois, January 1971. 
BARRODALE, I. (1968): 
L-1 approximation and the analysis of data. 
Applied statistics, No. 1T, pp 51: - 57. 
BARRODALE, I. and ROBERTS, F.D.K. (1973): 
An improved algorithm for discrete L-1 approximation. 
SIAM, Journal of Numerical Analysis, Vol. 10, No. 5, 
pp 839 - 848. 
BENNING, W. (1972): 
Zur Auswertung geodaetischer Messungen mit automatischer 
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten, Vol. 85, No. 1, 
pp 16 - 25. 
CLAERBOUT, J.F. and MUIR F. (1973): 
Robust modelling with erratio data. 
Geopnysios, Vol. 38, No. 5, DD 026 0844, 
DUTTER, BR. (1980); 
Robuste Regression. 
Porschungszentrum Graz, Report No. 135. 
BOPP, H. and KRAUSS, H. (1979): 
An orientation and oalibration method for non-topographio 
Photogrammetrio Engineering and Remote Sensing, 
Vol. H5, No. 9, September 1978, pp. 1191-1196. 
CHAPUIS A, (1980): 
Das Kern-System DSR-1! GP-1. 
Analytisches Steroauswertegeraet und Graphisches 
14 th. ISP Congress, Commission IIj,- Hamburg 1980. 
FUCHS, H. ( 
Contributions to the adjustment by minimizing the sum of

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