Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A3)

i A 
one Invited Paper whose title would agree with the theme of the session as 
1. Algorithms and structures in on-line photogrammetric triangulation 
2. Operational aspects of on-line photogrammetric triangulation 
Subsequently, the President has accepted our recommendation and nominated 
Dr. A. Gruen (USA) and Dr. E. Dorrer (W. Germany) as invited speakers for the 
above technical sessions. Each invited paper will be followed by three 
Presented Papers, to be selected from available submissions. The timing of 
all papers included in the program will allow for adequate discussions. 
Outside of the technical sessions about three to five presentations on on- 
line triangulation are expected to be accommodated in general poster sessions 
planned as a part of the technical program in Rio. At the time of preparing 
this report the chairman has received a total of 12 paper proposals related 
to our subject, from which the final program is to be prepared. 
During the reported period, on-line photogrammetric systems have been 
steadily expanding and, consequently, our WG members enjoyed much better 
hardware and software support than in previous years. This resulted in a 
broader and more active participation in our work. Based on the outcome of 
our meetings and discussions, as well as on the feedback received from 
individual members by correspondence, one can summarize the efforts and 
achievements of the working group as follows: 
- Only a limited effort is reported to apply a full scale block adjustment 
directly on-line. It is acknowledged that on-line processes are geared 
towards streamlining and cleaning of collected data, thus allowing for a 
more efficient off-line block adjustment. Because of this combination of 
approaches, some of the refined features of the recent development of off- 
line methods are not being implemented directly during the on-line phase, 
e.g., additional image refining parameters. 
- It is generally recognized that there are practical limits to a suitable 
subsystem within which to work on-line. The response time of the on-line 
system must conform to the conditions of a proper, economical interaction. 
Recursive updating methods contribute to higher speed and eficiency of on- 
line procedures only when a traditional formulation would result in 
appreciably longer computing times. 
— For the first time we have also touched upon ergonomic aspects of on-line 
work judged in their direct effect on the performance and psychological 
adjustment of the operator. In this respect, especially computer graphics 
prove to be very useful. Graphical displays of any part of the on-line 
collected geometric information upgrade the interactive potential of 
triangulations in a very comprehensive form. It is recommended to persue 
this application in our future program. 
- It was clearly documented that one of the most obvious benefits of the 
current state of on-line triangulation is the semi-automated coordinate 
transfer of tie points between models and strips. This technique has been 
sufficiently refined and tested to warrant its fast progress from 
experimental to full production applications.

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