coefficient matrix is needed for computations. If. only a few
points would be included within the constrained solution, then
it would be necessary to extract from M, only that part which
relates to points upon which the constraint is involved. The
influence of the constraínt can be computed on a point. by point
basis. Under the case where multiple observations were made on
the same point, 1.e., distances and angles to a number of
adjacent stations, them correlation could be present and
equation (23) would be formed completely. Again, because of
the sparsity nature, no "significant computational burden would
be required. SDarsitv. is preserved because measurements
normally involve adjacent points and seldom go across sections
of land. This is not true for geodetic values though. In
cases such as this, proper ordering could lead to the creation
of a banded/bordered matrix in which methods such as recursive
partitioning can be employed.
A test adjustment was performed on the Killsbuck Area located
in Holmes County, Ohio [Burtch, 1983]. The area encompasses
approximately 30 square kilometers. It‘ was flown with a Zeiss
RMKAR aerial camera with a focal length of 152.02 mm at à
height of approximately 2100. meters from. datum. Ihe camera
utilizes a 23x23 cm reseau pattern. The block was flown in two
strips with -a total of 32 photographs with 60% overlap and
sidelap. A total of 31 . ground points were used of which 38
were full control points, 31 were only vertical control points,
3 were only horizontal control points, and 9 were unknown
survey points.
Three different ajustments utilizing Case TITI theory (Merchant,
1973] were. performed. on. the data. The. third adjustment
involved fifteen distance constraints. Eight control points
associated with some of the constraints were treated as
non-control..points.. The „standard deviations of the points
which were changed from control .to non-control status . are
predominantly below the 5-cm level after the adjustment. One
of the advantages in using a sequential adjustment is that the
influence of the constraint is computed and this information
can sBe:usedc.to evaluate. the: integrity of the survey data.
Table:l.-shows the influence .of the constraints on the survey
parameters. One can see that ip. the X-direction, a very high
influence occurs with points 1022 and 1024 which involved the
shortest distance constraint used in the adjustment, Because
of the large influence and since no perceptual change in the
residuals for the photo observations can be found, i1t..may,be
inferred that one or both have an error in their control value.
A snallc-error:forsitheclength. of a. shont line would have a
greater influence in the localized... area.. Therefore,, One can
sec that this::is a:convenient mechanism by which the validity