Full text: Handwörterbuch der Astronomie (Zweiter Band)

Mechanik des Himmels, 31. 
1889 | Dec T0 | Oct 280 | Sept 180 | Aug. 9'O [|:i1887Aug.200| Juli 11°0 Juni 1:0 
La + Po? 11° 06263] 5° 25° 574 [859° 51° 28"-5/854° 16' 59-5/253° 56/ 18“-9/248° 21! 50"-0/242° 47 211 
L 11 0 310 | 5 25 594 [359 51 26:2 354 16 52-9 [255 3 49 249 39 924 244 16 2138 
x 1 35 50 |1 34 58.1 | 1 34 518 |} 1 8344870187 58| 1 41 202| 1 46 313 
& 17 59 43 [17 59 44 |17 59 44 | 17 59 52 | 18 51 1:9 | 18 57 544 | 19. 4 26 
n. 6 4 644]6 4 657, 6 4 654 6 4 640) 6 14265 | 6 17296 | 6 21 2255 
lo. 28 5 102 98 5 65 |28 5 59|28 5 94]|928 36 91]|28 43 517 | 28 53 51:0 
b. 501-6931 | 501'7180 | 501'7221 | 501'-6985 | 500'-4629 | 501'^1610 | 502/1670 
lut 9?25'26'-0 3?51' 1'^3 958? 16'34'-4952^ 42' 9'^3/12539 25' 59-1947 58^ 2/2942? 29! 50/^.5 
JE 17 33 5L1| 7 15 300 [356 44 39-7 346 19 32:5 |231 51 35:6 {227 37 180 923 97 15:5 
Tog e" 4987261 | 4987246 | 4987244 | 4981258 | 4994517 | 4996298 | 4998592 
lag sin © 9:672836 | 9672821 | 9672819 | 9672888 9:680092 | 9:6818783 | 9-684167 
og a 0:566379 | 0566365 | 0566363 | 0-566377 0567090 | 0566687 | 0:566106 
le y^ 023877; | 0228774 | 0228774 | 03228715 0227021 | 0.226280 | 0225302 
gr sinv 9991648 | 9613508 | 9,266235 | 9,885616 | 0,406266 | 0.378105 | 0,345802 
9:942300 | 9:990289 | 9-998050 | 9-965271 9:9027446 | 9:940588 | 9-951896 
bg # cos v 0249948 | 0283374 | 0283673 | 0-266092 | 0,607026 | 0,629164 | 0.648592 
. | 28° 58° 72 | 12° 4° 17" 6/854° 34" 30""8/337° 23’ 33/-2/212° 12° 17-3209 ° 17' 28-41206° 28' 20-2 
. 1843 36 0:7 [343 35 53-7 [343 35 474 [343 35 38:5 (342 45 53-9 [342 43 95:8 |342 42 37 
12 29 79 |355 40 11-3 [338 10 18:2 [320 59 11-7 |194 58 11-7 192 0 5432 |189 10 23:9 
|g cos u 9:989606 | 9-998758 | 9:967690 | 9-890420 | 9,985005 | 9,990380 | 9,994410 
ler. 0:307648 | 0:293085 | 0290623 | 0300815 | 0679580 | 0688576 | 0:696696 
g sin u 9.834842 | 8,877972 | 9.570840 | 9,798997 | 9,412144 | 9,918416 | 9,202546 
gsini . 9024143 | 9024145 | 9024145 | 9:024143 9036252 | 9039762 | 9-044187 
ler sinu 9:642490 | 9,171057 | 94860963 | 0.099812 | 0.091724 | 0.006992 | 9,899242 
jg tangi i. 8124332 | 8724334 | 8724334 | 8724331 8786511 , 8740042 | 8144492 
lg tang 3 9 9398160 | 9398143 | 9398141 | 9398157 9406404 | 9408434 | 9411053 
geosv. 9-942300 | 9990289 | 9998050 | 9965277 | 9,927446 | 9,940588 | 9,951896 
gp. 0451558 | 0:457547 | 0457547 | 0457551 0454042 | 0:452573 | 0-450604 
gr. 0:307648 | 0293085 | 0290623 | 0300815 | 0:679580 | 0688576 | 0696696 
dd, log 0282514 | 0:226538 | 0:225539 | 0229694 || 0202740 | 0199234 | 0195187 
72 cos 0246617 | 0246621 | 0-246622 | 0246617 0244506 | 0243973 | 0243219 
2(p + 7) 0:690067 | 0684085 | 0683086 | 0-687245 0882320 | 0887810 | 0891883 
g sin v 9684000 | 9320423 | 8,975612 | 9.584801 | 9,126686 | 9.689529 | 9,649106 
pesce . .| 0827164 | 0327179 | 0327181 | 0327167 0:319908 | 0318127 | 0315833 
(— pcos) . | 0.399853 | 0,441836 | 0,455597 | 0,422828 | 0-381488 | 0393161 | 0-402500 
rsinvsing .| 9356936 | 8993244 | 8,648431 | 95257634 | 9,406118 | 9,971402 | 9.333273 
(—34w:ya) | 0,081513 | 0,031580 | 0,031581 | 0.081575 (| 0,031218 | 0,031420 | 05031710 
XD: 0149905 | 0164462 | 0166924 | 0156736 9774462 | 9'764997 | 9753908 
(Sig 4 pcosv)| 9.798018 | 9.845979 | 9,853738 | 9.820985 9-787892 | 9891595 | 9813553 
(— 27:5) | 05504265 | 0.539706 | 04537245 | 0,547432 | 0,924086 | 0,932549 | 0.939975 
id, log 0070144. | 0-080059 | 0081797 | 0074720 || 9:967042 | 9966626 | 9-966262 
£05 v 9:942300 | 9:990289 | 9-998050 | 9:965277 || 9,921446 | 9,940588 | 9.951896 
cos E 9979266 | 9996506 | 9999299 | 9987512 | 9790698 | 9,828675 | 9,86t891 
id, log 0°282940 | 0297982 | 0300405 | 0290055 | 0238016 | 0-248668 | 0257907 
(cosv+cos £)|  0-262206 | 0294438 | 0-299704 | 0:277567 0,165462 | 0,189256 | 02209803 
à cos © 0:511966 | 0:511956 | 0511955 | 0511964 || 0:510566 | 0559630 | 0:508355 

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