Full text: Handwörterbuch der Astronomie (3. Abtheilung, 2. Theil, 4. Band)

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2-67480 | 13-93 1826 3:98903 1898 464787 | 70.29 2 | 96:02 | 3654 
269308 | 19-29 19-25 | 400781 | 999 | 466619 1832 | 5 | 5478 | 5481 
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210504 | 28:28 ones 1929 | 470949 | 18:33] 8 [14608 14616 
16999 | 1925 08046 5.08 | 1/9949 | 19.59 | 9.16434 [16443 
218117 | oo 409874 10.99 | 475781 oy 
280240 | 15.23 411708 19.09 | 477614 1553 
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283887 | |, | 949571 415362 |. | 181280 | …. | 2 | 86-56 36:53 
285710 | M 3:51391 | 411191 [S79 483113 ir 3 | 54-84 | 5487 
287588 | 19.94 | 393223 | 419020 |^ | 484946 | S. | 4 | 7812| 73:16 
259357 | i2. | 355049 420850 | 25, | 4'86T19 A 5| 9140| 9145 
291180 | 10.24 | 356875 422679 | 30 | 488618 | gag | 6 10968 1.974 
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296651 | 19.24 19.27 | £28168 [1350 | 494114 U | | 
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6 |109-92 {109-98 
18:25 (18°32 18:36 | 7 
12824 12881 
|146:56 1146-64 
1164-88 [16497 

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