Full text: Handwörterbuch der Astronomie (3. Abtheilung, 2. Theil, 4. Band)

Nummer und 
Epoche und Mittl. 
Name Osculation Aeg. 
201 Penelope . 8:6 11897 Nov, 50 1900: 0 539 deas T9 
202 Chryseis . 67111896 Nov. 20:0]1900:0 |296 6:8 
208 Pompeja . 8:8 |1899 Jan. 9o 19000 65 53 45 40:9 
204. Kallisto 8:7 |1888 Nov. 2:0/1900°0 |140 5 43:4 |i 
205 Martha 9:2 |1886 Febr. 26019000 1139 572 
206 Hersilia 8:6 (1887 Juni 21'0 {1900-0 [184 57 1:8 
207 Hedda 9:5|1898 Febr. 3:0/1900:0|280 15 9:4 
208 Lacrimosa 8:4 11899 Nov. 25-0/1900-0 [315 23 29:6 
209 Dido . T5 |1897 Dec. 25-0/1900-0 292 33 12 
210 Isabella . 9-1 |1897 Octob.26-0/1900-0 |358 7:0 
211 Isolda. {5 |1895 Nov. 26:01900:0| 1 54:8 
212 Medea 8:1 [1899 Juli 28:0,1900:0 1276 ) 415 
213 Lilaea. 8:3 [1898 Febr. 23:01900*0 1229 561 
214 Aschera . 9:0 1897 April 9:0/1900:0 | 71 5 59:2 
215 Oenone . 9:4 (1891 Nov. 1018900 $5 8 113 
216 Kleopatra 66 |1886 Juni 6010000 277 9 12 83 
217 Eudora 9:5 [1900 Dec. 10:011900:0| 75 4 32 40:8 
218 Bianca 8:1 |1889 Octob. 8-01900-0 1134 2 81 
219 Thusnelda 8:8 1889 Jan. 21:011900:0 1130 9 562 
920 Stephania 11:0/1887 Jan. 0-5 |1881-0 131 9 171 
221 Eos 7:3 11889 Juni 30-0/1900-0 322 98:9 
292 Lucia . 8:8 1898 Jan. 14-0 1900-0 1225 377 
993 Rosa . 9-2 11891 Dec. 17 0 1900-0 1333 24:6 
294 Oceana 8:5 isco Febr. 5 0, 1900-0 225 97:3 | 
225 Henrietta. 8:2 (1897 Dec. 5: 0 1900-0 107 44-8 
| | 
226 Weringia . 9"(|1891 Aug. 19: 0/1900 0 | 30 35:9 
227 Philosophia 8:7 [1896 Dec, 1070 1900: 0 9283 29 54-3 | 
228 Agathe 12:4 1892 Nov. 214 Sn 0| 49 456 | 
229 Adelinde . 8:9 1900 Juni 13:0/1900:0 295 32 97:5 
230 Athamantis 77 1897 Octob.26:0/11900:0 | 11 13 141 
231 Vindobona 8:6 [1898 Nov. 10-0/1900-0 |164 47-9 
232 Russia 10:4 {1898 Dec. 20: 019000 | 278 14-3 
233 Asterope . 8-1 [1897 Aug. 27-0/1900:0 353 1-0 
234 Barbara 9-1 |1898 Octob.21-0/1900-0 | 33 49-6 
935 Carolina . 8:5 |1897 Sept. 160119000 | 73 1:3 
236 Honoria . V9 |1890 Aug. 20:511900:0 [341 1 28:5 
237 Coelestina 9-4 |1897 März 20-01900-0 258 3 10:8 
938 Hypatia . 8:0 [1900 Dec. 10-0/1900-0 | 54 48 386 |184 
239 Adrastea . | 142 104 1900 Dec. 10:01900-0| 26.23 54 181 
240 Vanadis . 9:8 | r9or Juli 18-0/1900-0 1262 2 16:1 {114 
157° 9138 
5 45:0 
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36 28:9 
21 400 

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