Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B1)

1. Introduction 
NASDA developed space and ground segments of Marine 
Observation  Satellite-1 (MOS-1) observation system and succeeded 
in launching the MOS-1 from Tanegashima Space Center by N- 
Kiroeket.ato40223.JS8T.(1:223.UTJ..0n 5E£eb4. 19,1987. .Tháis:was 
launched into specified sun-synchronus orbit and called "Momo 
(Peach) 1". The MOS-1 carries 4 mission instruments (1)Multi- 
Spectral Electronic Self Scanning Radiometer(MESSR)(2)Visible and 
Thermal Infrared Radiomater (VTIR) (3)Microwave Scanning 
Radiometer (MSR) and (H)Data Collection System Transponder 
(DCST). It was confirmed that all mission instruments are very 
good during mission check period (three months after the launch) 
though DCS suffered from harmful radio interference due to outer 
Source which was eliminated by changing the center frequency of 
Data Collection Platform (DCP). 
In order to evaluate MOS-1 total observation system,NASDA 
planned and initiated MOS-1 Verification Program (MVP) since 
March,1987. NASDA is conducting MVP in collaboration with joint 
research organizations, domestic and foreign organizations. As a 
part of MVP, NASDA conducted airborne experiments on MOS-1 
passing days in 1987-1988. 
In this paper, the outline of MVP will be described and the 
some initial results of MVP will be presented. 
2. The outline of MVP 
Main mission objectives of MOS-1 are to establish fundamental 
earth observation technology and to observe ocean, land and 
atmosphere by using three radiometers (MESSR,VTIR,MSR) covering 
visible,near-infrared,thermal infrared and microwave wavelengths. 
In order to achieve these mission objectives and to evaluate 
MOS-1 observation system, NASDA conducted field experiments by 
using MSR breadbord model (BBM) on the ground, tower and others 
in 1981-1983, airborne verification experiments by using 
MOS-1 sensor engineering model(EM) mounted on an aircraft in 
1984-1985 Based upon these experiments NASDA planned MOS-1 
Verification Program. The content of the MVP is shown as 
2.1 Purpose of MVP 
Purpose of the MVP is as follows: 
(1) Evaluation of geometoric and radiometoric distortion 
compensation accuracy 
(2) Evaluation of performance of MOS-1 observation system 
(3) Evaluation of effectiveness of MOS-1 observation parameter 
from various fields of remote sensing 
(4)Reflection of the above results in the development and 
operation of advanced earth observation system in the future 
2.2 Methodology of MVP 
In order to evaluate MOS-1 observation system, MOS-1 data, 
airborne data, truth data,other earth observation satelite data 
are required in the framework of the MVP. : 
Verification :items..of. MVP. are. classified. into 

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