Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B1)

0.579 K (23GHz) and 0.616 K (31GHz) were obtained. 
(2)S/N evaluation 
S/N for MSR imagery (path 21 April 10,1987) are as follows: 
23 GHz 10msec 36.1 dB 
23 GHz 47msec 37.7 dB 
31 GHz 10msec 32.2 dB 
31 GHz 47msec 32.5 dB 
(3)Geometric distotion compensation evaluation 
Position error is measured by using GCPs in one path scene 
and mean value of this error is 25km (23 GHz) and 17km (31GHz) 
which is under the specified value 60km (23GHz) and 40km (31GHz). 
(4)Spatial resolution evaluation 
By using edge of coast, the following results for MSR imagery 
(level 2, path 25,April 14,1987) were obtained. 
pixel direction line direction 
23 GHz 10 msec 64.6 km 74.6 km 
23 GHz 47 msec 63.1 km 68.4 km 
31 GHz 10 msec 43.7 km 48.0 km 
31 GHz 47 msec 49,0 km 45.6 km 
3 dB down width 
(5)Physical value extraction evaluation 
a) water vapor and liquid water 
By using recurrence equation developed for extraction of water 
vapor and liquid water, the following results were obtained. 
May 27,1987 Nov.29,1987 
Water vapor 55.2 (43.7) 43.6 (31.8) 
Liquid water 1.2 1.1 
unit:kg/m ( ):truth data obtained by using radio sonde data in 
Titizima (very distant small island in Pacific 
It was found that bias error was about 10 kg/m . It is necessary 
to accumulate MSR data from now on. 
b)typhoon, front,rain 
Example of front, rain region and typhoon were observed in 
MSR data obtained in path 21,April,27,1987 ,path 25,April 4,1987 
and path 24 August 27,1987,respectively. Rain region obtained by 

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