Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B1)

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cially for dynamic systems like MOMS etc. 
Although the calibration range Brecherspitze shall be used on 
an international basis, this is only possible under economical 
aspects for experimenters from adjacent countries due to econo- 
mical reasons. Thus cooperations should be extended by exchange 
of data from similar activities, as has already be done with 
experimenters from Drivdalen range in Norway, courtesy Prof. 
HÂDEM and his colleagues. On request photogrammetric offices 
from Australia also gave comments on their activities, which 
are however restricted to partial field calibration (estimation 
of distortion parameters). 
An exchange with other experimenters would be welcome. This 
should all aim at an internationally agreed at procedure for 
system calibration under real working conditions within the 
scope of! Commission ck; ISPRS. 
Prof. SCHNADELBACH from the Technical University of Munich gave 
thecinitialisupportnwith hisishigh precisionrtest net-ats the 
Brecherspitze area. Valuable work was done by BAYERISCHES LAN- 
DESVERMESSUNGSAMT (Bavarian State Survey Dept.) during the 
installation phase of the calibration range. Cand.ing. Klaus 
WULFF played an important part in this as well as in prelimina- 
ry terrestrial net adjustment and first calibrations. The out- 
come of his activities is documented in his diploma thesis. 
Valuable support has also been given by Dipl.-Ing. C. PETERS; 
she adapted the bundle adjustment program MOR-S and carried out 
the bulk of computational work. 
Ackermann F 1986, The use of camera orientation data in photo- 
grammetry - a review. esa SP-252 (IAPRS Vol 26 Part 1), 93-99. 
Brown D C 1976, The bundle adjustment; progress and prospects. 
IAP Comm.III, Helsinki. 
Hinsken L 1985, MOR-S, Ein photogrammetrisch-geodátisches Netz- 
ausgleichungsprogramm in Sparse-Technik. Zeitschrift für Ver- 
messungswesen 1985, 416-424. 
Kupfer G 1986, Geometrical system calibration, especially for 
metric aerial cameras. esa SP-252 (IAPRS Vol 26 Part.1), 55-62. 
Schnádelbach K 1981, Erfahrungen mit einer ráumlichen Triangu- 
lation hoher Genauigkeit. FIG Int Congress, Montreux 1981. 

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