Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B1)

ders cu eO exp Dian Ng o ns0761, 12, (4) 
where the Fourier coefficients are given by 
— * I/Po — n 
Ca = po f, gt Xo) e ??*^Po*oQ xo (5) 
The amplitude transmittance of the grating and PSF transparency 
in contact is 
h'»' (xo, yg ) 7 h(Xo. Yo) * g(Xg) 
its Fourier transform is 
H'® (Sf. m= 2 C..H(£-np,.m 
n . ) 
Similarly, the Fourier transform of the transmittance of the 
blurred picture in contact with the.grating is 
B'»'(&. n= 2 CnF(&- nP,. N) + HCE- n p,. M (73 
where we have applied the convolution theorem to  Eg.(2). Cor- 
responding to the various diffraction orders of the modulating 
grating, the spectra of the PSF and blurred picture ‘appears in 
a series of equally spaced islands in the filter plane, the am- 
plitude distributions across each islands vary in ‘proportional 
to the Fourier transform H and B respectively. The amplitudes 
of various islands, if compared at points corresponding to the 
same spatial frequency, are proportional to the Fourier coeffi- 
cients of the amplitude transmittance of the grating. 
In the following, we will assume that the functions  h(x,y) 
and f(x.y) are band-limited in the x, direction, as expressed 
Hocm 9 
: } foreclbiz p.42 
Fei. n=10 
It is equivalent to requiring that various islands of the spec- 
trum do not overlap. 
B. The attenuating mask 
Two parts are involved in the filter-generating step. The 
first is to get an absorptive mask with the amplitude  trans- 
parency in proportional to |H'"(&.m|^", by recording the inten- 
sity distribucion "cs q-[^-. And^ Chen, Co ‚make the filter‘by 
recordina a. hologram in .the- back “of ‘the absorptive mask 
|H *"«t. p ^, with the interference between a weak reference 
beam and the Fourier spectrum of h'" (x,y). 
In the object plane, the collimated beam transilluminates 
a transparency representing the function h(x,y) which is in 
contact with the transmission grating, the distribution of the 
Fourier spectrum plane is 
A s Cn * HCE- NP,» M (95 
Hr: 2. m= 
where H is a normalized function, A, is the peak value of “its 
Zero order and i is the optical wavelength. As a consequence of 
the band-limited condition (8), the terms in Eq(9) do not over- 

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