Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B1)

experiment to evaluate resolving power. But the statistical 
processing is not efficient usage of data. 
In new method, an airphoto signal, refrectance of which changes 
like step function, is prepared. Now let us suppose to measure 
resolving power in flying direction. The airphoto signal is 
laid as its edge is slightly oblique to perpendicular to the 
flying direction. In this case, we can observe the edge in var- 
ious locations of pixels in many columns. And the relative 
locations of the pixels in the flying direction to the edge(L;) 
changes linear to the column number(i) (Fig. 2). 
Li eunv/4*3 (3-1) 
Here, constant ce is concern to only absolute geometric correc- 
tion, and it is not important for our purpose. So if the air- 
photo signal is observed and the constant d is determined, it 
means that essential data to calculate PSF are obtained. 
A. CCT-Column eurve 
{ha 15" conventient to plot COT count Lo tolumn number P i'of 
pixeles included in a line near the edge (Fig. 3). Lets us call 
it CC curve(CCT-Column curve). Because the edge/íisostraight, 
and because the image has little distortion in small area even 
if no geometric correction, observed image of line 1 is similar 
toione of line 1+, and OO'curves' ofthe line 1l and l1-*1 have 
sinilar figuress Indother words, if the CC: cumye of the line} 
is transferred in colunmn'directiony iit overlaps to 'oneol the 
line 1+1. Using this fact, we can determine the constant d. 
du=s b/n (4-1) 
Here, b is pixel size in line direction, n is number of columns 
to transfer in CC curve(real number). 
5. Calculation algorithm 
Now, CC curve can be thought usual edge observation data, x 
axis of which is spsece coordinate In tangent to the edge, y 
axisc ofiwvhich ds 'CCT2count,” supposing ons column equal to 
length d (=b/n). So, standard algorithm to calculate PSF from 
edge observation data can be applied. Radiance(R(x), relative 
vale) of airphoto signal is 
C. Rb ( KB.) b 
EE br IR (5719 
Here, x : space coordinate in tangent to the edge. 
the edge isycorresponding to x = OQ. 
hwr: Radiance of black part of the airphoto signal. 
Rb:r Radiance of white part of. the airphoto signal. 
CCT count of observed image(I(x)) is expressed as following. 
I(x) = fase R(x) * PSF(x-x!). dx! (5-2) 
2 1% % Vis Th) Jol pom dx! (5.3) 

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