Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

. 12 
Spanish: SLG confirmed the beginning of work in 1982 by 
sending 400 Entries including Definitions and English 
Equivalents, designated as "Partial Sample Issue" in 1984. 
Except for some application letters from Argentina, Peru 
and Spain asking for participation in WG VI-3, no further 
news have been received so far. 
Thai: ThLG was invited to participate in the WG VI-3 on 
the recommendation of Prof. Gosh in 1983. Since unfortu- 
nately no reaction has been received as yet, it is to be 
feared that this LG must be cancelled. 
Bengali: Bel.G confirmed in 1987 the beginning of work as 
early as 1985, with one member only having translated the 
1716 Entries of the ASP-Dictionary completely by 1986. 
Although this "One-Man-LG" represented by the retired 
Mr. DAS has obviously been very busy, the results exist 
in handwritten form only. News about forthcoming supply 
of computers equipped with Bengali- as well as Hindi-cha- 
racters need further confirmation. Meanwhile, the BeLG is 
waiting for the English Entry-List so that work can be 
Turkish: TrLG confirmed in 1984 that work had begun be- 
fore 1983 with 15 members by translating the 356 Terms of 
the. FIG-Dictionary (Vol. 7). Unfortunately, no further 
activities have been reported. 
Polish: PILG confirmed the beginning of work in 1984 with 
20 members having 2055 Entries at hand, which were mainly 
translated from the ASP-Dictionary by 1987. A sample page 
of the Glossary showing Equivalents in English, French, 
German and Russian was sent to WG VI-3. PlLG asked for 
the German Glossary, which will be delivered in the near 
Malaysian: MaLG confirmed the beginning of work in 1985, 
with 3O members having established 1700 Entries (presum- 
ably translated from ASP-Dictionary) by 1987. Since all 
members speak English only besides Malaysian, but also 
Indonesian), MaLG can continue its work after publication 
of the English Glossary (or Entry-List at least). 
Updated WG-Conception: "10 Fundamentals" 
In the Mainz Paper /1/, which was revised in the Rio Pa- 
per /2/, 10 Fundamental Principles were postulated as 
guidelines for the WG activities. It seems useful - also 
with regard to newcomers - to repeat this important con- 
ception in an updated (perhaps final) form. (see Annex 2) 
Entire technical field 
On the one hand, all Entries used in theory and practice 
of the whole field of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
including its geodetic applications, e.g. cadastre, ar- 
chitecture, etc. with relevant surveying of ground con- 
trol must be compiled, on the other hand the range of 

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