Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

The Centre for Remote Sensing at. The University of New South 
Wales, Sydney conducts & Graduate Diploma in Remote Sensing, 
a Masters Degree in Remote Sensing and has a number of students 
proceeding to the degree of Ph.D. in the Remote Sensing field. 
Other Institutions offer g Graduate Diploma only, others a 
Master of Applied Science by research. There are Institutions 
which within their Masters and Doctoral programs offer courses 
in Photogrammetry and/or Remote Sensing. 
A number of Institutions offer Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing courses within other graduate programs. For example, 
The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology offers two units 
of Remote Sensing within the Graduate Diploma of Land Data 
There are a number of Universities within the region that are 
involved with research programs which utilise Photogrammetric 
and Remote Sensing techniques and methodologies but are not 
entitled Photogrammetry and/or Remote Sensing explicitly. 
Photogrammetry and/or Remote Sensing are seen as tools to assist 
in a particular research program. 
In the Oceania region, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing are 
taught, used and studied at all levels of tertiary education 
from undergraduate to doctoral programs. Courses are conducted 
in a wide range of home Departments. 
Photogrammetry is most readily found in Departments conducting 
courses in Land Surveying and Cartography. And its future is 
likely to remain within these fields. 
Remote Sensing, however, is represented in a wide range of 
Departments and is taught and used in a variety of ways. Some 
courses treat the subject in a very cursory manner, others in 
great depth. Many courses are subject specific, others adopt 
a broad approach. In some cases Remote Sensing is seen as a 
research tool and courses are not conducted at all. No 
identifiable home Department in Remote Sensing has evolved. 
Remote Sensing has developed as a service to many other subject 
areas. This creates potential problems as the expert in the 
subject area may understand little about Remote Sensing and 
vice versa. This problem is being addressed by some Institutions. 
One approach is to establish short courses and specialist programs 
to meet individual user demands. 
Remote Sensing is still evolving as a field of academic study. 
In setting up appropriate courses many problems still need to 
be resolved. However all the respondents to the questionnaire, 
no matter what their field, were of the view that Remote Sensing 
would expand and become more significant in the future. 
Note: the authors would like to thank those who replied to the 
questionnaire upon which this paper is based. 
For more detailed information regarding courses in Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing in the Australasia and Oceanic region, please, 
contact the authors.

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