Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

3'À (mevised) Exposé Annex 2 
ISPRS Dictionary 
(preferable for CAT III-Language Groups) 
No. Operations 
1 Creation of IGs and Advisor Groups (AG) 
2 Collect existing dictionaries etc. (Sources = S) (/1/ Annex 1) 
3 Set up lists for Source Codes (SC) including language symbols 
and Subfield Codes (FC) 7 (Annex 3) 
4 In No.2 mark all PRS-Entries (PE) by setting FC (3-4000 PE) 
5 Punch PE and FC from No. 4, duplicate SC 
6 Sort No. 4 including multiple punchings (from other S): 
6.1 by maehine, 6.2 by hand 
7 Index No. 6 in steps of 10 (preliminary) 
8 Make Master Lists or Field Lists of No. 7 for check by advisors 
9 Distribute No. 8 to advisors 
10 Checking of Field Lists by advisors (Phase I) 
11 Return of No. 10 
12 Check No. 10 for existing sources 
13 Punch Or draw cards of No. 12 due to No. 10 
14 List complete 13 and distribute to all advisors 
15 Final check of 13 by all advisors (Phase II) 
16 Store corrected No. 15 in PE file 
17 Prepare from No. 16 an Expanded PE file = EPE file (/2/ Annex 3,No.17) 
18 Input of existing Definitions and Equivalents into No.17 from No.4 
19 Check existing Definitions and set cross-references 
20 Fill up missing definitions for all terms and set cross-references 
21 Store all term info on a copy of EPE file yielding PEC file for 
corrections (e.g. PECD = German PEC) 
22 List preliminary PEC and FC-selected PE 
25 Distribute No. 22 to FC-selected advisors for checking 
24 Return No. 22 with corrections 
25 Agreement by WG of No. 24 
26 Upon request meeting with advisors to clear doubtful cases 
27 Correction of PEC for agreed comments 
28 List No. 27 (up to here PECD is finished) 
29 Distribute No. 28 to foreign WG members (e.g. ELG = E Language Group) 
30 Check existing and fill up missing Reference Indices (RI) in No. 28 
51 Return of No. 28 
32 Store or correct RI in the definite PEC file 
55 Extract from No. 32 and sort Reference File (RF) (e.g. RFD = German) 
34 Resort No. 33 yielding foreign language RF (e.g. RFE = English) 
35 Exchange of mag-tapes with PEC file and/or at least | ICh RF file 
36 Cross-check automatically RF files from different origins 
37 Clear and correct PEC and RF files yielding PEO, RFO for output 
38 List and copy or reduce and print and stitch or "ind PEO and RFO 
files yielding preliminary edition 

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