Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Syllabus : 
First Week : Orientation and introduction to CRTO ; 
Fundamentals of remote sensing -- image formation, 
satellite systems, principles of airphotograph and 
satellite image interpretation, principles of digital 
image processing, acquisition of aerial photographs 
and satellite images. 
Second Week : Introduction of remote sensing applica- 
tions in various disciplines -- agriculture, geology, 
hydrology, rangeland management, human settlements, 
etc. Discussion of specific problems pertaining to 
remote sensing activities at the national level : ad- 
vantages, limitations, financial and legal implications. 
2.2.2 - The Regular Remote Sensing Course 
Objective : This standard course is aimed at preparing the 
participant to understand the basic principles 
of remote sensing technology, and to be able to 
apply them in his field of specialization. 
Duration : Nine months (October to June). 
The course is divided into three main parts 
1. Principles of remote sensing (4 months) ; 
2. Remote sensing applications (1$ months) ; 
3. Individual projects and writing of 
reports (3 ài months). 
Entry Qualification : Participants must be graduates in any 
one of the fields of application of remote 
Syllabus : 
Port 1^: Principles of Remote Seneing 
Theory and practice (28 hours per week) in the follo- 
wing topics : History of remote sensing, fundamentals 
of remote sensing, elements of photographic systems, 
elements of aerial photo interpretation, photogrammetry, 
radiometric characteristics of aerial photographs, 
aerial thermography, multispectral scanners and pattern 
recognition, microwave remote sensing, spaceborne remote 
sensing, ground truthing. 
Part 2 : Remote Sensing Applications 
The applications programme which includes a two week 
course each in Remote Sensing Management and Digital 
Image Processing, stresses the application of remote 
sensing techniques in the fields of agronomy, carto- 
graphy, forestry, geology, hydrology, etc. 

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