Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Apart from the permanent staff, CRTO receives substantial support 
for its training programmes from international agencies which provide visi- 
ting professors/experts, scholarships for trainees and remote sensing equip- 
ment. The agencies which provided assistance to CRTO in 1987 are FAC (Fonds 
d'Aide et de Coopération), FAO (United Nations Food and Agricultural Organi- 
sation), FED (Fonds Européen de Développement), JOHN-PAUL II Foundation for 
the Sahel, UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), University of 
OUAGADOUGOU, UNSO (United Nations Sudano-Sahelien office) and USAID (United 
States Agency for International Development). 
Without aid from the international organisations it will be dif- 
ficult for CRTO to provide all the experts required for all the fields of 
application. Indeed it is not practicable for CRTO to employ experts in all 
these fields. 
In 1987 a total of 38 professors/experts were involved in the 
training programmes. These can be grouped into three categories as follows 
- Permanent Staff of CRTO 8 
- Staff seconded by Donors/International Agencies 13 
- Part-time Staff from Ouagadougou 17 
Total = 38 
Equipment and facilities at the disposal of trainees at CRTO 
Colour Photographic Laboratory, equipped with the most modern 
facilities, such as 2 King Concepts Color Processor, Versamat 
11 Film Processor, Durst Color Enlarger 
16 mm Film Projector Model RT-1 
Buhl Overhead Projector 
Map-O-Graph 55 C-2 
Chromaline Diazo Printer 
Singer Caramate 3300 Slide Projector/Cassette Player 
Kodak Slide Projector Model B-2 AR 
Radiometer - EXOTECH Inc. Model 100 AX 
NUMELEC Mini-Computer PERICOLOR 1000 with EMI 8800 Tape Reader 
and CANNON PJ/080 A Color Printer 
Zero Setting Planimeter 
Mirror and Pocket stereoscopes with Parallax Bars 
Light Tables 
Special Drawing Instruments 
Field Trip Equipment 
Archives : aerial photographs, satellite images, maps, etc. 

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