Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

For Civil Engineering branch the following courses are suggested: 
. Physics - Image Processing 
. Computer Science and Programming 
. Cartography 
For Electrical & Computer Engineering branch the following courses are suggested: 
. Earth Sciences 
. Natural Resources 
. Interlinks between Image processing & 
Satellite remote sensing & natural resources 
For other specialised branches, the following courses are suggested: 
. Agriculture & Forestry 
. Physics & Image Processing 
. Map making & Cartography 
. Surveying 
Considering the overall requirements, courses can be formetted at the undergraduate 
level. They should be made compulsory so that every undergraduate will have suffic- 
ient background to appreciate potentialities of satellite remote sensing 
ii) Postgraduate level 
a) Full programme b) Providing advanced 
leading to postgraduate courses for engin- 
degree in Remote eering and science 
Sensing candidates doing 
P.G. Programme 
Some of the suggested courses for M.Tech Civil Engineering - Specialisation Remote 
a) Fundamentals of Image Interpretation 
b) Photographic systems for Remote Sensing 
C) Instrumentation and Data Communication 
d) Image Processing Techniques 
e) Patter Recognition 
Some of the suggested courses for M.Tech in Computer Science - Specialisation 
Image Processing 
a) Digital Computer Fundamentals 
b) Data Structure and Programming Methodology 
C) Introduction to Image Processing 
d) Image Processing Techniques 
e) Application to Digital Techniques 
f) Pattern Recognition 
iii) Nonformal Education: This is an important facet of educational programmes 
in the coming decades so that a large number of inservice engineers and scientists 
working in various user agencies will be exposed to emerging technologies such 

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