Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

as satellite remote sensing. Under the programme, courses of different durations 
can be arranged depending upon client requirements in the ares of fundamentals, 
such as 
a) Physics 
b) Mathematics 
c) Computer programming 
and in themes such as 
Water Resources 
Mineral Resources, 
Forestry,Pedology and Landuse Planning 
Courses on the following topics are also suggested 
a) Cartography 
b) Instrumentation 
c) Integrated approach 
One of the important courses,which needs to be taught in all facets to all the 
trainees is geodata base and information retrieval system using remotely sensed 
The following conclusions can be drawn after studying various aspects presen- 
ted in the paper pertaining to the remote sensing education at undergraduate 
and postgraduate levels. 
i) Imparting of education regarding satellite remote sensing and its applicat- 
lons at the undergraduate level and postgraduate level is very necessary 
In view of useful satellite data which is being received regularly and 
repetatively with global coverage. Developing countries such as India 
have to seriously consider introducing of suitable courses at both the 
levels in the frontier area of satellite remote sensing. 
ii) Nonformal education methods are need to be given top priority for inserv- 
ice training programmes for horizontal transfer of satellite remote 
sensing techniques to user agencies. 
iii) Developed countries have an important role in helping developing countries 
in the educational programmes by way of infrastructural facilities, teach- 
ing aids and expert guidance and financial assistance. 
The author conveys his thanks to the Head, CSRE f 
ment in writing this paper. 
or giving all encourage- 
l. CSRE.- Training volumes from 1981-88 
2. NASA - COURSE 81 - The 1981 Conference on Remote Sensi 
May 1981 Purdue University. nsing Education 
2. Proceedings of International Conference on Training For R 
users - GDTA. Toulouse France 8-11, 1984. Ü ete Sensing 
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