Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

National Technical University of Athens/Lab.of Remote Sensing 
Heroon Polytechniou 9, 157 73 Zographos 
In the frame of the activities of the working group VI-1 of the commission 
VI of the I.S.P.R.S., this report presents the relevant work of the subwor- 
king group for the South Eastern Mediteranean Countries. 
Special attention is given on the task and activities of the recently esta- 
blished:a) National Organization for Mapping and Cadastre of Greece and b) 
Laboratory of Remote Sensing of the National Technical University of Athens, 
as well as on the efforts of Albania to promote Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing Education and Research in the University of Tirana. 
Finally, the development of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Education and 
Research of the University of Zagreb is presented. 
1. Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Education and Research in Greece 
The University of Thessaloniki and National Technical University of Athens 
continue to carry out the main bulk of education and research in Photogram- 
metry, Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing in Greece. Their courses pre- 
sent no dramatic change from the past (Rokos, 1980 and 1984) but still a 
non-apparent improvement exists. With the reform of the relevant infrastru- 
sture courses (like mathematics and physics for example), after a continu- 
ous and interactive dialogue between the University staff responsible for 
them, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,the quality of education has cer- 
tainly been significantly improved. If specific concrete activities within 
research projects, (in which, even first or second year undergraduates par- 
ticipate in the voluntary mode (University of Thessaloniki, Dept. of Cada- 
stre, Photogrammetry and Cartography, and National Technical University of 
Athens, Dept. of Surveying)), are taken into consideration one could easi- 
ly support that Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Education and Research 
are going satisfactorily forward. 
The law 1268/82 (Rokos, 1984) concerning the structure and function of Uni- 
versities, obliged research assistants to work intensively with their Ph. 
D. theses, while new postgraduate students (Post-graduate Scholarship hol- 
ders) are entering the University only under the above condition. In this 
way Greek University Departments have become active Research Centres as 
well. During the four last years (period 1984-1988) Photogrammetric and Re- 
mote Sensing Education and Research in Greece could be presented as follows: 
1.1. National Technical University of Athens. 
School of Rural and Surveying Engineering 
Department of Surveying 
Laboratory of Photogrammetry and Laboratory of Remote Sensing. 
University Level, 5 years, M.Sc.(Dipl.R. and S.Eng.) Ph.D., (Dr.Eng.) ave- 
rage 120 students. 
Courses: Photogrammetry 26 hours 26 hours Lab. 
Stereophotogrammetry 26/26 
Modern Photogrammetry 26/26 
Photo interpretation and Remote Sensing 26/26 
Special Topics of Remote Sensing 26/26 

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