Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

It is apparent from the above data that instrumentation has been improved 
(enriched and/or upgraded), in an effort to make contemporary technology 
available to both, the under- and the postgraduate level students. Financial 
restrictions, however, prevented the purchase of expensive pieces of equip- 
ment for each department (f.e. analytical plotters), a problem which is fa- 
ced through the collaboration with the relevant public services and organi- 
A rather impressive increase of research interest in Remote Sensing is men- 
tioned, following the advances and achievements on this discipline. Univer- 
sity departments belonging to Schools like Geology and Agriculture show 
the above characteristic. With the aid of the Greek Ministry of Research 
and Technology, (now Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology)practically 
all departments interested in Remote Sensing interact either to promote re- 
search through collaboration or to participate in international research 
The recently founded (1987) Laboratory of Remote Sensing of the National 
Technical University of Athens has as its main task to contribute towards 
this direction. 
Photogrammetry, Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing in Technical Univer- 
sities, have been directed, in a degree, along a National goal, that of the 
Greek Cadastre, which very recently was established by the Greek Parliament. 
A significant number of post-graduates work on technical or other Cadastral 
aspects while research teams of the above Universities, together with spe- 
cialists from Production Organizations, participate in teamwork on Natio- 
nal Research Projects concering Cadastre. 
A respectable number of photogrammetric instruments have been established 
in Higher Technological Institutions, which according to their programmes 
should provide to the country with a flexible technologist, who with a mi- 
nimum of on the job training, would be able to face rapidly changing pro- 
duction requirements. 
2. The Laboratory of Remote Sensing of the N.T.U. of Athens 
The Laboratory of Remote Sensing of the National Technical University of 
Athens was founded in November of 1987 having as main task to serve research 
and education needs in the fields of Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing 
and their applications: 
- in Observing and Monitoring of the earth, 
- in Integrated Surveys of the Natural and Socioeconomic Environment and 
- in the Formation of Integrated Cadastral Land Information Systems. 
The specific aims of the Laboratory of Remote Sensing are : 
1. The coverage of the education and research needs(both in undergraduate 
and graduate level) of the Departmerts of Rural and Surveying Engineers in 
general and special topics of Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing and 
their contribution to the foundationof Land Information Systems, as infrastru- 
cture for Development, Monitoring of the Environment and Land Policy. 
2. Research and Development on methods and techniques of the relevant scien- 
tific fields. 
3. The scientific and administrative coordination of the relevant research 
4. The cooperation of every type, on scientific, educational, research le- 
vel etc. with Greek and foreign research centers, academic institutions, 
scientific/technical and social organizations as long as their scientific 
targets coincide, are similar or complementary with those of the Laboratory, 

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