Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

The results of the relevant work were tharoughly discussed in scientific/te- 
chnical commissions and were collectively promoted with the initiative of 
the Technical Chamber of Greece in the period of 1975-1978. The creative syn- 
thesis that was succeeded with the equal and essential participation of all 
the people, ultimately assured both the dynamics of an unanimity in scien- 
tific, social,political and syndicalistic level, which for the first time 
overcame long-lasting and stationary, secondary 'and of corporative nature op- 
positions, but also the predominant by then "partial'" and metaphysical con- 
cepts for the development that most of the people visualized one dimentional- 
ly, either as : 
- a process of increase of some ficticious, per capita indices and econo- 
mic quantities, that could be succeeded using the economical planning as 
the only tool, 
- a8 process of intensive exploitation of the (known) natural resources, 
- Or as a process of programming and carrying out of big (usually without 
any feasibility study) technical works. 
The collective work of the Technical Chamber of Greece during the period 
1975-1978 for the legislation of the Integrated Cadastre of Greece influen- 
ced but also was influenced, dialectically, by correspondent efforts of col- 
leagues from abroad that approach from different points of view, but with 
the objectiveness and the dynamics of the scientific methodology, in an e- 
quivalent way, the need of substitution of the traditional forms of Cadastre 
in all the systems, that faced special problems, with forms of the Integra- 
ted Cadastre. 
The O.M.C.G. has already organized study groups for the creation of the ne- 
cessary infrastructure upon which its main work will be based (Choice of 
the Geodetic Reference System and Technical Specifications for the establi- 
shing and keeping of the National Cadastre, Remote Sensing contribution 
for the acquisition of the qualitative information about Land and the En- 
vironment, etc.) and is now programming its decentralized, structure and 
4. Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Education and Research in Albania 
The University of Tirana, School of Civil Engineering, Chair of Geodesy is 
the institution responsible for Education and Research of Photogrammetry, 
Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing in Albania. The School produces a 
flexible type of engineer to cover a wide range of applications in the 
country. Photogrammetric courses offer a good theoretical background which 
is clearly not supported by appropriate contemporary instrumentation. The 
collaboration with production organizations is of vital significance. 
The University of Tirana has documented the need to promote photogrammetric 
education and research. In 1984 it invited through UNESCO Prof.Dr. D.Rokos, 
to contribute as a consultant in an attempt to upgrade the Photogrammetric 
and Remote Sensing courses and laboratory. Due the other obligations of 
Prof. D.Rokos a commonly planned and designed program of activities, with 
Dr. E.Kapokakis, Lecturer of the University of Thessaloniki, has been pre- 
sented by the second in the University of Tirana. Research, up to now, has 
been oriented mainly on aspects of terrestrial photogrammetry, biostereo- 
metrics and other areas which can be supported by the existing instrumen- 
tation. Aerial photogrammetry is practiced in Albania, by military servi- 
ces, for which no information is available. It is believed that in the 
near future the laboratories will obtain more efficient instruments to al- 
low for research on other areas of the science as well. 

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