Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Photogrammetry and Photointerpretation are being taught to the undergradua- 
tes of the above institution in four (4) semesters, five (5) hours per week 
Remote Sensing courses are not included in the official study programme and 
relevant information is given to the students only on the basis of the per- 
sonal interests of the staff. There is no evidence of satellite imagery a- 
vailability in the country. 
Photointerpretation is covered within a few lecture hours and is restricted 
to the very basic methods to extracting qualitative information from aerial 
photographs. Photointerpretation does not seem to exceed 5$ of the mentio- 
ned Photogrammetric training period. 
Photogrammetry is the main subject of the four semesters. Terrestrial and 
aerial photogrammetry aspects are given with adequate although rather out- 
dated detail. Laboratory facilities include a few mirror stereoscopes, a 
small stereocoparator and a multiplex-type stereoplotter and training is 
mainly oriented to theoretical aspects and lots of in the classroom exerci- 
ses. A few students untertake M.Sc. dissertations on applications of photo- 
grammetry, mainly terrestrial, due to the availability of relevant instru- 
mentation from public enterprises. 
Research is performed by research assistants, the lecturing staff and a few 
engineers in public enterprises. The main research areas seem to be terre- 
strial photogrammetry applications for topographic mapping, monuments sur- 
veys and biostereometrics. Some specific data for Albania are listed below: 
4.1.University of Tirana 
Faculty of Civil Engineering 
Chair of Geodesy 
University Level, 5 years, Dipl.Eng. average 40 students 
Courses : Photogrammetry I 130 hours 
Photogrammetry II 60 hours 
Photogrammetry III 60 hours 
Staff  : 1 Professor (J.Guxo, teacher) 
2 teaching Assistants, 3 Researchers 
1 Technical Personnel 
Specialization : Terrestrial Photogrammetry, Biostereometrics 
Photogrammetric Instruments : 1 Multiplex, 1 Jena Stereocomparator 
Photointerpretation Instruments :Interpretoscope, Mirror Stereoscopes 
Research and Development :Total number of employees 4 (3 with University 
degrees, 1 technician) in the field of Photogram- 
It should be stated here, that the information given above is correct for 
the period June 1985 - end of 1986, and that beyond all the difficulties, 
Albania, which is one of the more independent nations in the world, will 
find its own way to promote Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Education 
and Research, taking into consideration their invaluable contribution to- 
wards an Integrated and self sustaining Development of its natural and hu- 
man resources. 

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