Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

The PHOCUS input concept is furthermore characterized by permanently 
available integrated learning aids like tutorials and help functions. The 
tutorials in particular enable the PHOCUS novice to directly request in- 
formation on the purpose and execution of an application task. The help 
functions provide 
- a survey of the existing and currently available functions and 
parameters of an application program, and 
- detailed information on the purpose, range and syntax of each 
The help functions can be called both in the command mode and in the 
dialog mode. Fig. 6 shows an example. 
INOR» ? (call of HELP information in "interior orientation") 
FIDUCIALS NF  : PARAMETER to set the number of fiducials 
TYP TY  : PARAMETER to specify the type of transformation 
SETTINGS NS  : PARAMETER to specify the number of settings 
REJECT RE * : FUNCTION to reject this fiducial 
CALCULATE CC * : FUNCTION to calculate the interior orientation 
SET SE * : FUNCTION to set parameters 
INOR> SE (set parameter in INOR) 
TYP TY = >1 
SETTINGS NS = >/H (call of HELP information for NS) 
Usage : NS = par 
par : Number of settings for each fiducial 
Purpose : If NS = 2 , then the programm expects two settings of 
each fiducial. ; 
TORES TO = >0.010 
CAMERA CM = >/E (to terminate the dialogue) 
Fig. 6: PHOCUS Help Functions (Example) 
An important component of the PHOCUS system are ready-made training 
projects, i.e. installed work environments for both the operator and the 
project manager (menus, system files) for different applications: 

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