Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

These projects were developed by teachers of DCart and students 
of. CECart. 
3.6. Work Market 
The table 2 shows the total number of professionals 
undergraduated by CECart and their situation in front of the 
work market. Consider that 30 is the number of new students 
each year. In July 1977, thirty began and thirteen finished in 
July 1982; in March 1978 other thirty new students enrolled and 
nineteen get finished and so on. Therefore, from 180 enrolled 
Students until 1982, 113 had concluded the course that means 
63$. Nowadays, 82 (circa of 73$ of engineers) work in 
Cartographic Engineering. 
It does not exist a survey of Cartographic Engineering work 
market by distinct areas. It is estimated that twenty to thirty 
undergraduated students are working in P&RS, some of them 
enrolled with graduate programs (MSc and PhD). It is also 
estimated that perhaps more of the half those work in 
Cartographic Engineering have contact with P&RS end-products. 
Table 2: work market for engineers undergraduated at Pres. 
july dec 
classification 82 82 83 84 85 86 total % 
graduation 6 3 2 0 À 1 13 11-50 
independent 2 1l 0 0 3 1 7 6520 
general 3 10 11 8 20 10 62 54.87 
subtotal 11 14 13 8 24 12 82 72.57 
other areas 2 3 8 7 3 3 26 29-01 
unemployed 0 x 1 1 1 0 4 3.54 
not consulted 0 ] 0 0 0 0 1 0,88 
total 13 19 22 16 28 15 11.3 100.00 
Original: Brazilian Association of Cartographic Engineers - 
Regional Sao Paulo - ABEC/SP. 
Recently, UNESP has created the career of "researcher". A 
professional may be enrolled since he or she has an equivalent 
title of PhD. In this career research has preference but the 
researcher may also lecture and advise. This will certainly 
develop the general level of research at UNESP. Although, in 
the specific area of P&RS of DCart, unhappily, this cannot 
change the situation because of lack of PhD people in P&RS. A 
possible solution is to appeal for foreign researches. 
It is expected a new era for DCart from current year because of 
greater research projets. Possibly, they will be developed with 
other important education and research instituitions. It 
believes that the educational aspect will be benefited with the 
creation of new conditions for participation of CECart students. 

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