Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

M Sunt EEE 
41 t 
mention "Manuals of Engineers" for various scientific and tech- 
nical branches, "The Manual of the Geodetic Engineer" (1973- 
1974, 3 volumes containing 2150 pages) being one of the first 
published manuals followed by three types of various multilin- 
cual, bilingual and explanatory dictionaries; those listed in 
Table 1 are some of them. 
M dictionary was presented to the XE Congress of The Inter 
national Society of Photogrammetry (Helsinki, 1976). The En- 
glish language was the basic language, which together with the 
other four ones are presented alphabetically as "groups" in the 
first part of the dictionary. The second part contains four al- 
phabetical indices for the other languages which connect them 
to the first part, using some order numbers. Thus, the multi- 
lingual dictionary is equivalent to twenty bilingual dictiona- 
ries. In the first part, there are mentioned 1-4 main specia- 
lized fields of activity for the basic geodetic terms. Just 
one more mention, the specialized terms represent 75 per cent 
of the whole number, and photogrammetric photointerpretation 
and remote sensing terms represent 30 per cent of the whole 
specialized terms. 
The bilingual dictionaries are large works, which terms a ran- 
ging from about 26,000 (ER) and 30,000 (RE). As we have known, 
the bilingual dictionaries for geodesy, photogrammetry and car 
tography published till now in the other foreign cohtries have 
not contained more than 11,000 terms. Data listed in Table 1 
are for terms of the basic language; values are just informa- 
tive, because the fields of activity could be subjectively es- 
tablished, each term having 1-3 principal fields of activity, 
in which it is used. Values for RE are approximate because the 
dictionary is only in an editing stage. 
Although & correlation in editing the two groups, namely ER 
and RE, GR and RG dictionaries, does not exist, and their terms 
vary, the photogrammetric, photointerpretation and remote sen- 
sing terms as against the total number of the specialized terms 
represent about 24 per cent (RG) and 43 per cent (ER), the lat- 
ter ranging from 64 per cent (ER) to 77 per cent (RE) of the 
all terms contained by the dictionary. On the face of things, 
there is an impression that terms belonging to kindred and ba- 
sic brábhes are in a more great number, but as a matter of fact, 
their branches have been strictly established considering the 
proper specialized terms, depending on their importance and 
frequenoy in the specialized literature and the present-day 
E dictionary, containing fewer terms, is, in fact, an encyclo- 
paedic one; sketches and photographs are included for an illus- 
trative purpose. There are just proper specialized technical 
terms from the same branches and it contains: methods, instru- 
ments and their constituent parts, products and materials, in- 
stitutes and organizations,national and international persona- 
lities, periodicals, a.s.o. Terms used in photogrammetry, pho- 
tointerpretation and remote sensing represent 32 per cent from 
the whole number to be found in the disctionary. 

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