Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

ITC GDIA GSTS (ERG) | |(Neth.) | KAfrica)| | (Asia) | (Others) 
maa rma Or ap aire n° 
Other co-producers of database "X" 
The management office would be very small-scale, but basic coordination (managing the allocation of 
scanning tasks, maintenance of indexing thesaurus) would still be necessary. 
4.5 - Operation of network 
Operating rules are vital if our network is to have an ongoing existence. A suitable legal status must be 
found, or agreements signed, so that we act in complete harmony. Some form of Memorandum, 
containing the statutes and house rules, must lay down: 
- rules for producing the database; 
- rules for using the database; 
- system for supplying copies of source documents; 
- internal and external invoicing system; 
- rules for reaching agreement and decisions. 
According to the configuration chosen, the management office in charge of managing the network and 
operations will take one of the following forms: 
(i) significant size, centralized: required for configurations A, B and C. Only possible if sufficient financial 
support obtained. 
(ii) significant size, centralized, with persons seconded from the database producers (each center 
supplies staff and continues to provide salaries). One of the centers could provide premises, as in case 
(i). Suitable for configurations A, B and C. 
(iii) significant or average size, centralized, implemented by one of the centers. The "host" organization 
is the main producer, members' responsibility being confined to drafting, and possibly entry, of forms. 
(iv) average or small size, distributed system. Each center responsible for one of the following functions: 
entry and maintenance of forms, computer processing for database management, maintenance of 
indexing thesaurus, SDI service, access to source documents. Has the advantage of sharing costs, but a 
number of previous cases indicate problems in the full coordination of such a system. 
The configurations outlined above and the different types of management offices obviously impact 
resource allocations. This, in turn, directly affects the choice. In particular, the hardware and software will 
only be defined after the choice is made, due to the considerable differences between the various 

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