Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

This diagnosis demonstrated that the students admitted to the cour 
se have a global vision of the landscape, only recognizing the 
elements that do not need a more systematical study, as for ins 
tance, geomorphology and urbane geography. 
As the Geography course of the Federal University of Parana,Brazil 
is structured (framed) into eight semesters, it is recommended 
that the use of aerial photographies should be introduced gradual 
The first period (semester) of the course (March to June) intro 
duces the student to the geographical and correlate knowledge. In 
this period the use of aerial photographies is not recommended,as 
the student has not yet acquired the necessary theoretical founda 
tion to discern spacial organization. Only in the second period 
(semester) (August to November) the use of aerial photographies 
in the subjects is recommended, provided they refer to areas fami 
liar to the student. 
Once the third period (semester) is started, the use of aerial pho 
tographies becomes more effective, as a cast of subjects allowing 
more efficiency in the use of such aids are introduced into the 
curriculum (syllabus). There we have subjects related to the field 
of Physical Geography and Human Geography, they being the basis 
for the perception of the environment as a whole. 
Aerial photographies may be used in the contents of the below lis 
ted subjects: 
Physical Geography I & II - studying the shapes of the Earth,hydro 
graphy and hydrology. 
Human Geography I & II - studying the distribution of population 
and in the study of the organization ‚of 
the agrarian space. 
Physical Geography of Brazil - studying the physical aspects, such 
as hydrography, projected forms  , 
geomorphology, soils and vegata 
General cartography - in the working up of thematic cartogrammes. 
Geology I and Geomorphology - in the rocky distribution Of it h e 
earthy crust and its correlation 
with forms. 
Human Geography of Brazil - studying the distribution of popula 
tion in Brazilian areas. 
Biological Geography - in the distribution and study of ecosystems. 
Urbane Geography - in the study of spacial settling of cities. 
Geography of Parana - studying the physical, human and economical 
aspects of the State. 

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