Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

spectral axis (um) 
a) Spectral Reflectance Curve 
0.7um * Woods 0.8um * Woods 
* Soil * Soil 
reflectance reflectance 
b) Spectral Characteristics c) Spectral Characteristics 
at 0.7 um at 0.8um 
Fig. 3 Multi Spectral Information 
Fig. 4 Grid Pattern Pair for Geometric Correction 
4.2 Application Training 
The software described in this section are all application 
software which can be applied for practical remote sensing 
analysis. Real remotely sensed data, such as Landsat MSS and MOS- 
1 MESSR, are used in this section. 
1) Pseudo color. 
Themes are given to trainees. Trainees are required to make 
thematic maps by choosing the appropriate band and applying 
pseudo color level slicing to the remotely sensed data. The 
example of themes are as follows. 
a) Sea surface pattern 
b) Water boundary (See Fig. 5) 
c) General land cover pattern 

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