Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

4. Research and Development 
a) A new method of photo-triangulation adjustment, called 
PHOTONET 86 has been developed. The method is based an 
simultaneous adjustment of geodetic an photogrammetric 
measurements with refinement of exterior orientation elements. 
b> Adaptation of the stereocomparators (Zeiss Jena Steometer 
Opton PSK-2 and mechanical plotters (Wild A-8 and A-103 to the 
analytical purposes through connection to the IBM PS computers 
in on-line procedure. 
C2 Zeiss Jena stereocomparator STECO 18x18 was prowided with 
analogue-to-digital converter for automatic measurements 
do Counters to Zeiss Jena stecometer C was constructed which is 
used instead of Coordimeter F. 
f2 Two systems of  aerotriangulation adjustment have been 
developed: first called AERONET is based on the method of 
independent bundles and uses 18M PC XT/AT computer, second 
called BUND is based on G.Schut method of indepent bundles. 
g) For satellite photographs triangulation SPACE BLOCK SYSTEM 
was developed. 
ho For analytical aerial triangulation measurements using 
precision  stereocomparator connected with  mictrocomputer  - 
system NADZOR SG of supervision of observations was developed. 
The similar system NADZOR AG for semi-analytical aerial 
triangulation was also prepared. 
i» For numerical on-line processing system MASOWKA SG was 
developed based on precision stereocomparator, microcomputer 
and known (from adjustment of aerial triangulation) orientation 
elements of photographs. The similar system MASOWKA AG but 
based on anal ogue stereoplotter and independent model 
measurements was also prepared. 
jJ The calculation algorithms was programmed on various 
computers: PARABLOK - for determination of the displacement 
based on block adjustment of pseudostereograms taken from time 
base; STEREOGRAM - analytical model solution with 
simultanously executed conditions of collinearity and 
coplanarity; KALIBRACJA - program for field calibration of 
terrestrial and aerial cameras;  KOREKCJA - program for 
geometrical corrections of TV, radar and scanner imageries. 
k2 The set of programs: KP25-KP28, SPOC: DIMI, TRIN, FOTO for 
geometric corrections of aerial scanner imagery have been also 
devel oped. 
13 Various programs for volume computations, based on DMT, for 
processing of terrestrial photographs and similar computations, 
have been worked out. 
m) Zeiss-Jena Topocart B/Orthophot B and Topocart C/Orthophot C 
instrument systems were modified. Now these instruments are 

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