Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

used for production of stereomate also. 
nd For measuring of visible and near infrared radiation the 
the spectroalbedometer was constracted. 
©) The technology for orthophoto production base on 
differential rectification of digitized aerial photos using 
minicomputers was developed. 
5. Education 
Photogrammetric education for geodetists and surveyors is given 
in Poland in the following three different levels: 
12 high school or technical college - for Survey Technicians 
and/or  Technologists, 
2) post high school education of 4 years for Bachelor of 
Sur veying Cis provi ded onl y for persons who works 
professionally in geodesyd, 
3) university of 5 years for Master of Surveying. 
The middle level of photogrammetry is provided at 28 technical 
high school, which teach the survey technicians. 
The university education in the field of Surveying and Geodesy 
in Poland is provided at three technical universities and three 
agriculture academics. There are two Faculties of Geodesy, and 
at the agriculture academics: the Faculties of Geodesy and 
Drainage/or Agriculture Facilities). Yearly, about 300 students 
begin study in all above mentioned universities and academies. 
But only about 40 student specialize in photogrammetry and 
remote sensing, and only 20 students is graduated yearly. The 
scope of photogrammetric education is carefully adjusted to 
fulfil of passive and active photogrammetrists. Foreigners are 
educated also at the university level. We have students from 
some Asiatic and African countries. 
The photogrammetric university staff is following: one full 
professor, 3 associate professors, 8 readers, 395 doctors. 
Last years the following postgraduate studies were organized at 
the universities: 
1. Engineering photogrammetr y, 
2. Architectural photogrammetry, 
3. Remote sensing for environment protection, 
4. Remote sensing in agriculture and forestry. 
The study last one year, and are studies with obligatory 
meeting every month for a few days at the university. They 
serve to educate the engineers of various disciplines and have 
both theoretical and practical courses. For such courses guest 
lecturers are also invite. 
The university studies in geology, cartography and geography 
include photogrammetry and remote sensing courses also. 
6. Publications 
In the period of 1976-1986 there were elaborated 10 textbooks 
and 1009 articles concerning photogrammetry and remote sensing. 
The following are the bibliographical data for textbooks in 
a chronological order: 
1) Swiatkiewicz A.: Fotogrametria. Podrecznik dla studentów 
Geodezji i  Urzadzeh  Rolnych Akademii  Rolniczych. PWN: 
Warszawa 1977, s. 329 
2) Rudowski G.: Termowizja i jej zastosowanie. Wyd.WKL. W-wa 

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