Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

With regard to the first, we can depend on the excellent 
efforts made by the ISPRS WG VI-1 (Chairman, Prof. A.J. Bran- 
denberger). Such information is necessary for success in the 
aforementioned other two efforts considered as priorities in 
this Working Group. 
With regard to the second, and particularly in view of the 
conclusion 3.12 arrived at the 1986 Symposium (see p. 152, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
Vol. 26-6, 1986), two colleagues were assigned the task of 
looking into this from an international view point, one on 
photogrammetry and another on remote sensing. Accordingly, 
there are two invited papers being presented at this congress, 
which contain recommendations on curricula at various levels 
of education, one on photogrammetry and the other on remote 
With regard to the third, regional conferences were considered 
to be the best procedure to follow. In this respect, our 
experience during the previous quadrennium (1980-84) was 
beneficial. After two successful regional conferences on 
education (one in Nigeria in 1982 and the other in Malaysia in 
1983) we contemplated for similar conferences for the three 
regions. Unfortunately due to financial and organizational 
constraints, this has not been fully possible. However, 
certain workshops, seminars and presentations have been or- 
ganized with success. The following would attest our con- 
tributions in this regard: 
I. Prof. Miguel Angel Chico (Argentina) conducted sessions in 
Commission VI related activities at the VI National Con- 
gress in Photogrammetry at Corrientes, Argentina during 
September 28-October 2, 1987. The sessions covered mat- 
ters related to "Professional Aspects, Education in Photo- 
grammetry, Courses and Bibliography". The Congress was 
attended by 420 participants (120 students amongst them) 
from several South American countries. The efforts and 
goals of ISPRS WG VI-7 were discussed and the following 
resolutions were drawn: 
To promote donations of photogrammetric materials and 
photo-cartographic products from major institutions to 
universities for teaching purposes. 
To declare the tasks of photogrammetry and photointer- 
pretation as "critical activities" (tasks for which 
very qualified personnel are needed). 
To intensify courses dealing with digital processing 
of images. 
To recommend updating photogrammetry programs at 
To set up post-graduate courses in photogrammetry. 

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