Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Let us consider a photogrammetic strip of 5 photographs 
with 60% forward overlap, and a regular grid of 15 points 
projected into the 9 standard positions on the photographs 
(see figure 3). The image coordinates were measured. 
T e e 10 13 
x 5 s [8 14 14 
6 e |9 12 15 
1 e 3 4 5 
Figure 3 
The strip is described in our approach by 60 difference 
equations of type (2), 
image coordinates: 
x mx x; TX, 
x, ox, x, O -x, 
x, -x, x, ? -x, 
x, -x, x, ? -x, 
x, D -x, x, 9 -x, 
x, D -x, © x, O -x, 9 
x, 9 -x,, 
x, -x,, O 
x, O -x,, O 
x, =x, 
3a my 0 
Me Paz (4 
x, -x, 7 
x, x, 
x, 73, 7 
a 2? 
xut? -xu 0 
Xi” s 
Correspondingly for the y ordinates. 
building the difference of the 
x, "X97 
2, -x,,0 
x, U mgr.) 
a 7x0 
3340 72,0 
x; exu UU 

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