Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

There are 75 parameters, which usually are unknown. 
- The (N,E,H) coordinate values of 15 terrain points 
(45 parameters) 
= The 6 orientation parameters for each of the 5 
photographs (30 parameters) 
In order to determine these 75 parameters from the 60 
observation equations, ground control points are 
necessary. Assume we have given the ground control 
coordinates of the first 6 terrain points. This should 
allow us in principle to perform 2 space resections of the 
first and second photograph and will establish an absolute 
coordinate geometry in these photographs. Once the 
systematic image deformation and the coordinate geometry 
is reestablished in, say, the first photograph, the 
absolute image coordinates for the other photographs can 
be computed from the difference equations (3). 
However, we cannot resect the first photographs with 6 
control points only, otherwise we would get an 
undetermined solution. The task we are given here is the 
task of a full camera calibration in space. The strip 
computation may be regarded as a combined camera 
calibration/strip adjustment exercise, using a proper 
control distribution. 

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