Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Further research should be performed to derive a 
proper theory for dealing with general geometric 
features. This includes the extraction of features in 
image space, the matching of corresponding features 
in multiple images and image orientation and object 
reconstruction in 3D space. The functional and the 
stochastic model for the rigorous treatment of these 
features should be developed including precision and 
reliability aspects on all levels of processing. This 
means that the uncertainty of the original observa- 
tions as well as the precision and sensitivity of the 
intermediate results should be modelled and propa- 
gated through the whole evaluation process. 
Chen, H.H. (1991): Pose determination from line-to- 
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Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 13(6), 
Chen, H.H., Huang, T.S. (1990): Matching 3-D line 
segments with applications to multiple object 
motion estimation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern 
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 12(9), 1002- 
Dhome, M., Richetin, M., Lapreste, J.T., Rives, G. 
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Karlsruhe, 39-45. 
Ebner, H., Strunz, G. (1988): Combined point deter- 
mination using digital terrain models as control 
information. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing, Vol. 27, Part B11, III/578-111/587. 
Faugeras, O.D., Hebert, M. (1986): The representation, 
recognition, and locating of 3-D objects. 
International Journal of Robotics Research, 5(3), 
Finsterwalder, R. (1991): Zur Verwendung von PaB- 
linien bei photogrammetrischen Aufgaben. Zeit- 
schrift für Vermessungswesen, 116(2), 60-66. 
Kager, H., Kraus, K. (1976): Gemeinsame Aus- 
gleichung photogrammetrischer, geodátischer und 
fiktiver Beobachtungen. Geowiss. Mitteilungen der 
Technischen Universität Wien, 8, 113-133. 
Kim, Y.C., Aggarwal, J.K. (1987): Determining object 
motion in a sequence of stereo images. IEEE 
Journal of Robotics and Automation, 3(6), 599- 
Kubik, K (1991): Relative and absolute orientation 
based on linear features. ISPRS Journal of Photo- 
grammetry and Remote Sensing, 46(4), 199-204. 
Liu, Y., Huang, T.S. (1988a): Estimation of rigid body 
motion using straight line correspondences. 
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 
43, 37-52. 
Liu, Y., Huang, T.S. (1988b): A linear algorithm for 
motion estimation using straight line correspon- 
dences. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image 
Processing, 44, 35-57. 
Liu, Y., Huang, T.S., Faugeras, O.D. (1990): Determi- 
nation of camera location from 2-D to 3-D line 
and point correspondences. IEEE Transactions on 
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 12(1), 
Lugnani, J. (1982): The digitized feature - a new 
source of control. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, Vol. 24-III/2, 188-202. 
Masry, S.E. (1981): Digital mapping using entities: a 
new concept. Photogrammetric Engineering and 
Remote Sensing, 48(11), 1561-1599. 
Mulawa, D., Mikhail, E.M. (1988): Photogrammetric 
treatment of linear features. Int. Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 27, 
Part B10, III/383 - III/393. 
Paderes, F.C., Mikhail E.M., Fórstner, W. (1984): 
Rectification of single and multiple frames of 
satellite scanner imagery using points and edges as 
control. NASA-Symposium on mathematical 
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Houston 
Rosenholm, D., Torlegárd, K. (1988): Three-dimen- 
sional absolute orientation of stereo models using 
digital elevation models. Photogrammetric En- 
gineering and Remote Sensing, 54(10), 1385-1389. 
Sayed, A.N., Mikhail, E.M. (1990): Extraction and 
photogrammetric exploitation of features in digital 
images. Technical Report, Purdue University, No. 
Spetsakis, M.E., Aloimonos, J.Y. (1990): Structure from 
motion using line correspondences. International 
Journal of Computer Vision, 4, 171-183. 
Weng, J., Huang, T.S., Ahuja, N. (1992): Motion and 
structure from line correspondences: closed form 
solution, uniqueness, and optimization. IEEE 
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine 
Intelligence, 14(3), 318-336. 
Yen, B.L, Huang T.S. (1983): Determining 3-D 
motion and structure of a rigid object using 
straight line correspondences. In: Image Sequence 
Processing and Dynamic Scene Analysis, ed. by 
T.S. Huang, Springer, 1983. 
Zhang, Z., Faugeras, O.D. (1991): Determining motion 
from 3D line segment matches. Image and Vision 
Computing, 9(1), 10-19. 

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