Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

the correlation coefficient of the two 
ie. the two 
weighted zero, 
observational residuals must be zero. 
residuals are no longer correlated. 
1.2.3 For any two observations where residuals are 
of strong correlation and weighted zero, the value of 
main component coefficient of the standardized residuals 
will be decreased evidently. 
In the second step, the observation(s) weighted zero 
will be decided according to the comprehensive decison 
which include the analysed correlation of residuals, 
statistical test using standardized residuals and 
refered weighted zero residuals. 
1.3 The Programm for the Second Step Iterations 
1.3.1 Type A observation After the first step 
iterations, the observation where standardized residual 
is larger than the critical value which is 2.5 in this 
paper would be a possible gross error observation and 
called Type A observation. The correlation coefficient 
of residuals will be calculated and make analysis as 
Calan = ; 
Bk pq ,kz1,m kxi 
where i = the number of the type A observation 
k = the number of another observation 
For Type A observations, 
if Pix 2%7 pecored p;, and k 
if bp, <0.7 , then the observation i to be decided as 
contained gross error and always weighted zero in 
sequential iterations. 
1.3.2 Type B Observation Type B observation is 
determined by two factors. The first is the frequency 
of correlation coefficient of which value is larger than 
0.1. The second is the magnitude of correlation 
1.3.3 Assigning Zero Weight to the Pair Observation 
of Type A and Type B It is allowable that more one 
pair observation of Type A and Type B to be assigned 
zero weight in an iteration, if the redundante number of 
the adjustment system is large enough. 
1.3.4 Transferring the Weighted Zero Residuals to 
the Stndardized Residuals We have to transfer weighted 
zero residual fo standardized residual, calculate the 
main component coefficient of the standardized residuals 
as well as make statistical test. In consideration of 
the properties of weighted zero residual, We take 1.5 
as the critical value in the experiment, when the main 
component coefficient is smaller than 0.5. 
1.4 The Factors About Comprehensive Decisions 
There are five factors have to be considered in the 
comprehensive decisions. 
1.4.1 Whether the standardized residual is larger 
than the critical value. 
1.4.2 Checking the correlation of residuals. 
1.4.3 Checking the magnitude of the main component 
coefficient of standardized residual. 
1.4.4 Checking the magnitude of the weighted zero 
1.4.5 If necessary, one have to refer to the data 
about the previous iterations. 
We take the calculation of photo relative orientation 
parameters with simulated data as an example for the 
design matrix A 
4 8 1,0 QS 1.0 
(D. 2.0 1.0. 71.0 .Ü 
071.0... 2.0 JD. -1.9 
71.0;,.:0.:.2.0. -1.0 .0 
JD 1.0. 2.0 D 71.0 
D. .0.2.9..-1.0 .0 
9.5: 2.0 7.8 = 
Ao: 8.0.04. 0..0 11.0 
-.04 -.16 1.04 -.2 -.8 
.16 .04 1.04 -.8 7.2 
Qvv.P matrix ( as P = I ) 
84 -.13 -.15 11 -.06...16. .66 -.16 -.31-.16 
60 .18 -.12 .13 -.12 -.06  .03 -.17 -.34 
7. .02. .06 -.13 -.15. .06 -.16 ..1 
43 -.06 .07 -.45 .01 .05 -.03 
A1 -.10 -.04 -.45 03 .07 
13:.03. 02 11 +15 
symmetry 461 ...01. .01. .01 
.62 -.08 -.02 
.71 -.18 
The simulated observationl error vector of vertical 
parallax is 
E =(-.87 -.39 1.5 7.51 .44 .08 -.87 -.75 2.11 -.75) 
2.1 The Capacity of gross Error Location by First Step 
It is assumed that the observations contain only one 
gross error and use the weight function proposed by the 
present author. After five times of iterations, the 
minimum of gross error which can be located by first 
Step iterations is listed in Table 1. 
Point| 1 “2 3 "4-5 6 T 8 9.10 
6G) [^5 14 12^ 9 4^1 235 95 3 5 4 4 
| y, > 36 
(-) | -4 -5 -9 -5 -5 -17 Z -6 -4 4 
Gi 1.6400 .17 43 .41 113 .61 82 .71 .70 
The condition of this adjustment system is pretty good 
for gross error location, because the average value of 
main diagonal element of Qvv.P matrix is egual to 0.5. 
The main diagonal elements of Qvv.P matrix related to 
observation 1, 2, 8, 9 and 10 are rather big and small 
gross error can be located correctly. . However the main 
component coefficient of  Qvv.P matrix related to 
observation 6 is relatively small and only large gross 
error can be located. In observation 7 and 4, residuals 
are of strong correlation(»^^ - 0.88), both observation 
7 and observation 4 are decided as containing gross 
error. When point 7 contain gross error in the interval 
of 240 -- 350

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