Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Figure 7: Tracing the edges of the mile-marker from the 
bottom to the top. 
5.3 Extraction of the Log-Mile Number 
While the edges are traced from the bottom of the mile- 
marker to the top, the average and the standard deviation of 
the pixels between the detected edge points are computed. 
As we reach the number at the top of the monument, the 
gray-value average decreases and the standard deviation 
gets larger for a number of lines (figure 8). These lines of 
lower gray values, but higher standard deviation define the 
area in which the log-mile number is written; they are 
chosen to identify the position of this number. It can be 
read by the OCR techniques described below. 
ae Top of mile-marker 
Lines of the image of lower 
average gray-values and 
larger standard deviations 
Figure 8: Locating the log-mile number at the top of a 
mile-marker by computing average and standard 
deviation of the gray-values between the edges. 
It is based on a simple algorithm which allows to 
identify characters from vector graphics. For this technique 
the numbers must appear upright in the images, which is 
the cased in our mile-marker photos. A prerequisite is the 
vectorization of the number, e.g. by thresholding the image 
and thinning the black (binarized) digits to a width of only 
one pixel. By chain-coding a polyline is created which 
forms the detected number. It is smoothed, in order to 
eliminate noise from binarization. 
Each polyline (= number) is intersected by some 
horizontal and vertical lines; the number of intersections in 
x and y directions is counted (figure 9). Each digit is 
uniquely identified by the number of intersections, which 
are stored for comparison purposes in the program. The 
major advantage of this technique is its computational 
intersection points 
F igure 9: A character can be identified in a unique way by 
counting intersections of horizontal and vertical lines, 
e.g.number of intersections per line: line I : 3 
line 2 : 3 
line 3 : 2 
line 4 : 1 
line 5 : 1 
In this article we tried to show the big potential of using 
digital image-pairs for automatic mapping of features from 
land-based vehicles. Although we are currently limiting 
ourselves to a few well-defined objects, this system could 
be applied to create a complete highway or railroad 
inventory, containing traffic signs, mile markers, and road 
signals. Due to the known position and attitude of the 
vehicle, any object identified in an image-pair is 
immediately available in a global coordinate system. 
As both the locations of image-pairs, and the detected 
objects are given in geographic coordinates, it makes sense 
to integrate these functions in a GIS. We are currently 
working on this problem, combining an existing vector GIS 
with the stereo-image data-base. The feature extraction 
functions serve as tools for collecting attribute information 
from the imagery. In order to allow the operator to better 
check the results a stereo-monitor will be used to display 
image-pairs and to select objects directly in 3-dimensions. 
Once a set of image analysis functions is available we 
envision to install image processing capabilities directly in 
the vehicle. Together with real-time, differential GPS we 
will be able to extract road features while driving along 
highways. Then we can truely talk about real-time 
Bossler J., Goad C., Johnson P., Novak K., 1991. *GPS and 
GIS Map the Nation's Highways." GeoInfo 
Systems Magazine, March issue, pp. 26-37. 
Goad C., 1991. “The Ohio State University Highway 
Mapping System: The Positioning Component.” 
Proceedings of the Institute of Navigation 
Conference, Williamsburg, VA, pp. 117-120. 
He G., Novak, K., 1992." Automatic Analysis of Highway 
Features from Digital Stereo-Images." 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing, Vol. , Commission III. 
Novak K., 1991. “The Ohio State University Highway 
Mapping System: The Stereo Vision System 
Component.” Proceedings of the Institute of 
Navigation Conference, Williamsburg, VA, pp. 
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