Nabiyev Alpasha Alibek &
Z.Halilov Street,25
Baku State University
Geogbaphical Faculty
On the modern stage of the developmen of
the science,technigue and human society
the problems of the natural surround rai-
sed to its critical point and recieved the
the global character the settling of whi-
ch demands aii-round analysis of natural
factors in a space and in time according
to sepsrste regionse
Taking into account that the solution of
the ecological problems needs systematic
analysis of components and factors of na-
tural surround,the program supply for the
mathematical map-composing modelling the
Structural pecularity of components of
geographical landscape and as a whele has
been worked out by us.
The development of the complex of program
is fulfilled at CS of Baku State Univer-
sity on the computer US-1035 and on the
personal computer of IBM PC AT.
Taking into account demands of the com-
puter cartography the science which is
developing on the joint of informations
and geography while developing the prog:
ram of supply the algorithmic language of
programing "FORTRAN-ST" (for US computer)
and dialogical language BASICA (for IBM
PC AT) where machine graphics is develo-
ped had been used by us.
Fortran-programs are composed in the ope-
systems OS US of 6.1 version by
the systems of collective use
and the system of collective use
Worked out complex of fortran
means of
program "LANPRICT" consists of two parts:
4.Systemic procedure "SYSLAN",which is
characterised according to the followingse
"SYSLAN" —is designed for fulfilling va-
rious systemic procedures as for example
copying out information from one magne-
tic disco to the other of from the magne-
tic ribbon to the magnetic disco; the ad-
dition and taking away the package of geo-
information and program organized by the
direct,orderal and indexal-orderal metho-
dic of contact. "LAN.PBOG" - is aimed for
the modelling of the river grid (classi-
fication and finding out of the structu-
ral of the interelations with the other
components of the landscape by the method
of the clasteral,factoral and regressive
analysis) modelling of the soil cover(in-
vestigation of the space structure of the
soil areals and the classification of them
by the degree of the chemical pollution,
contrast,complexness,nogomogen and others)
by the methods of the clasteral,informa-
tional,mathematical-statistical analysis
and so on); modelling of the plant cover
(investigation of the variaty of species
and gens of the plant societies,classifi-
cation and finding out inter-relation of
the plant cover with the other covers of
the landscape composing of the structural-
analitical maps on biological productivi-
ty and on the digree of the spoiling of
the natural state and ethers by methodsof
clasteral,factoral,regressional analysis
and others); modelling of from and types
of the relief (approximatiom of the sepa-
rate forms of the relief,investigation of
the investigation of types of the relief
with the types of soil-plant cover,inves-
tigation of the interrelations with other
elements of the landscape by the metods
of the mathematical-statistical,clasteral,
factoral analysis with the use of the met-
hods of the theory of accidental functions
); modelling of the lythological cover
(finding out the structural interrelations
of the covers of the quahtainiary decom-
positions with the other covers of the
landscape formation of the place by met-
hods of mathematical-statistical modelling
and others); modelling of the hydro-clima-
tical elements of the landscapes (inves-
tigation of the correlational interacti-
ons of the hydro-climatical elements of
the landscapes with its other elements);
modelling of the space structure of the
landscapes(finding out complexness,con-
trary,nogomogens,splitedness of the lands
dscape structure of the region,classifi-