Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

distortions, correlation procedures may react by an 
enlargement of the processed image area. In many 
cases this has to be proven as successful in that failures 
might be avoided. 
As these precautions take place individually for each 
object point the considered image areas of adjacent 
points may overlap thus producing certain interrelations 
between the computed heights. To avoid these depen- 
dencies the size of adjacent image areas has to be 
harmonized. This might easily be done defining the 
windows in a common reference system, as the object 
space for example. 
Furthermore, almost all other informations supporting 
the point determinations (surface shape, object types, 
exluded areas etc.) are defined in the object space too. 
It therefore seems to be straightforward, likewise to 
manage the density values within this environment. In 
addition, such a common definition allows the combina- 
tion of multiple image sources, if occlusions or other 
problems within the calculation makes it necessary. 
Point definition and description of the surface shape 
In manual driven evaluation procedures the location of 
points might be done very individually due to the inter- 
pretative capability of human operators. Points are 
defined where necessary to garantee a correct registra- 
tion of the surface morphology. For computer controlled 
evaluations this is not feasible and instead, a regular, 
equidistant point grid of sufficient density has to be 
selected (cf. Fig. 1). 
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Fig.1 Surface registration by a regular and dense 
point grid 
Supposed, the surface morpholgy is adequately reflec- 
ted therein, a way has to be found to use this informati- 
on for the rectification of the images. 
To achieve this, the grid is seperated into regions of 
homogeneous morphology as flat terrain, smooth areas, 
steep zones, highly varying areas, regions with few or 
many discontinuities for example. For each region an 
adequate functional set up has to be selected reflecting 
the typical surface shape. This might be a plane, a 
polynomial or seperated functionals as necessary to 
model discontinuities. 
The information needed for the determination of those 
functional parameters will be extracted from the points 
lying in the region in consideration. This has to be done 
iteratively, because there is no or only raw a priori 
knowledge available. 
All points within a region will be determined in parallel. 
This assures, that at the end of each iteration all points 
covering the surface in registration are known, allowing 
for a new calculation of the functional parameters and 
thus improving the correctness of the surface descripti- 
The dimensions of the regions are strongly interrelated 
with the functional complexity. Within flat terrain a great 
number of points may be determined in parallel, where- 
as with increasing complexity the extension of the region 
has to be limited in order to describe even frequent 
surface variations correctly (cf. Fig.2). 
Although the actual concept uses closed parameterized 
functions other functionals might be possible if necessi- 
tated to improve the flexibility. 
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1,2,3 = regions of different morphology 
Fig.2 Definition of regions with homogen morphology 
Rectification and point determination Between abja- 
cent grid points, a few surface elements will be defined. 
Within each of them the surface albedo will be calcula- 
ted as registrated in the images in concern (cf. Fig.3). 
For that purpose, the location of these surface elements 
within the images has to be computed. This might be 
done directly or by interpolation from adjacent anchor 
points in the images. The latter attempt supposes, that 
the surface geometry is smooth enough to allow this 
simplification. Finally, the albedo value is approximated 

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