Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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Cho, W., M. Madani and T. Schenk, 1992. Resampling Dig- 
ital Image to Epipolar Geometry. Proceedings of ISPRS 
Li, J.C., and T. Schenk, 1990. Aerial Image Matching Based 
on Zero-crossings and Least-squares Correlation, Technical 
Notes in Photogrammetry No. 9, Department of Geodetic 
Science and Surveying, The Ohio State University 
Marr, D. and T. Poggio, 1979. A Computational Theory of 
Human Stereo Vision, Proc. Royal Society, B 204 301 — 328 
Schenk, T., J.C. Li and C. Toth, 1990. Hierarchical Ap- 
proach to Reconstruct Surfaces by Using Iteratively Rec- 
tified Imagery , Proceedings of the ISPRS, Commission V, 
28(5/1) : 464 — 470 
Schenk, T. and C. Toth, 1992. Conceptual Issues of Soft- 
copy Photogrammetric Workstations. Photogrammetirc En- 
gineering and Remote sensing, Vol. 58, No. 1, Jan. 1992, 
pp. 101-110 
Wang, Z. and T. Schenk, 1992. 3D Urban Aera Surface Anl- 
ysis Proceedings of ISPRS 
Zong, J., J.C. Li and T. Schenk, 1991. Application of Forster 
Interest Operator in Automatic Orientation System, Pro- 
ceedings of the ASPRS-ACSM Annual Convention, 5:440-448 

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