Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

nian condictions,while working out scemes 
of the regional planning while doing the 
erectional works in the mountainian con- 
ditions,while recreational evaluation of 
the territory with the aim of rest and 
turism.Besides these,the developed method 
might be applied in the course of analy- 
sis of the vertical structure of the soil 
-plant cover,types of relief,types of qu- 
antiniary lauers and in the process of 
analysis of the other elements of the 
geographical landscapes. 
In the final stage of the investigation 
one can come in to the following results 
on the basis of recieved results:maps of 
landscape structures of gypsometrical le- 
vels of the researched territories had 
been composed on the printer of the per- 
sonal computer IBM PC AT. 
> | Minor (within the limita 
Azerbaijan Repablic) 
Jg ct 
| Low mountains 
7 Midde. mountains 
High mountain 
Hypsographical curraturelland 
the currature of èhe diszriéu- 
tion of êhe Quantity 04 types 
04 Landscape ships physica e-geog- 
raphical Frees 
Hin Caucasis Miner (Ses n. the 
33007 Cimits of Azeréaijan Rep.) 
3000 ~ 
2600 - 
2200 - 
1300 1 
1400 - 
(000 - 
5 { T 7 
0 (0 20 30 40 
Ü Vv V y Ü i $ 6 
6000 {0000 : (4000 {8000 N 

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