similarly for R = much less than we have:
much less than ; = {(x,y)|x € X, y € X, x << y} for all
(xy) € XxX. (2)
where, >> and << have the usual meaning, much greater than,
and much less than, respectively.
Definitions of all the relations in the PRED set can be produced
by a similar process. For practical purposes it is instructive to
represent the partitions in Eqs. (1) and (2) geometrically. This is
achieved by transforming the definitions in Eqs. (1) and (2) into
their polar counterpart. Figure 3 defines the important
geometrical parameters needed for this. Thus referring to Figure
3, if the partition generated by the general comparison operator,
R, is denoted by Pp it can be defined as:
Pg = ([0,,04] | 0t, € [0, 1/2], Ot € [0, 1/2], Ot 2 Oy} 3)
Now substituting the operator equal , for R, in Eq. (3) we get
the following definition for the equality operator (Eq. 4):
P= lim
( [0.01] ) 2 [1/4, 1/4] (4)
The equality of the upper and lower bounds in Eq. (4) means
that the equality operator partitions the search space diagonally.
This definition is therefore equivalent to the one given in
Dowsing et al(1986). The partitions induced by the operators
greater and less are defined by Eqs. (5) and (6) below.
P = lim
00,0 —7T/4-
([0.,04]) - [0, x/4-] (5)
P.= lim
y >7/4+,0 > 7/2
{[œu,0u]} = [x/4+, x/2] (6)
where z/4- and 7/44 mean infinitesimally smaller than, and
greater than, respectively.
The above strategy can be used to define the partitions
corresponding to the fuzzy restrictions "much greater than" and
"much less than" as given in Eqs. (7) and (8) below.
P,,= lim ([0,04]) (7)
& 7/4 - VERYWIDE'
Pec = lim ([0,,04]) (8)
Q,—7/4 4 VERYWIDE',
oy 7/2
GG:x- Xgg = x/tan(tan(n1/4 - aj) for much more than(x)
E: y =x =x, for equal to(x)
LL: x = xj = x/tan(nv4 a) for much less than (x)
Oy, 01 :
Xy = X = x /cos(T1/4)cos(T1/4 - ji),
X] = X = x/cos(x1/4)cos(x1/4 + a), for all other cases.
Figure 3: Geometrical parameters of the partitions
induced by fuzzy expressions.
In Eqs. (7) and (8) the terms WIDE, VERYWIDE, and others
listed in Table 1, represent a fuzzy constant whose value may be
subjectively assigned to reflect individual conception of the
vague expressions "verywide", "wide", etc. They may be
interpreted as generic band width of the fuzzy intervals
associated with the fuzzy expressions. Based on these
parameters, generic band widths associated with all fuzzy
expressions in PRED can be assigned as shown in Table 2.
When assigning values to the fuzzy constants in Tables 1 and 2
two important criteria must be considered:
1. Itis important for the generated partitions to be
compatible with common sense in accordance with the
criteria for suitable characteristics of membership functions
(Magrez and Smets, 1989).
2. The usefulness of fuzzy sets in modelling fuzzy
concepts, class, or linguistic variables depends on the
appropriateness of the selected membership
functions(Kandel, 1986).
Because in this experiment membership functions are
constructed from subjectively assigned partitions, the second
criteria will be used to test the validity of the assigned partitions.
Accordingly the partitions assigned to fuzzy variables will be
deemed proper if membership functions constructed from them
are similar to or comparable with those assigned by
conventional fuzzy sets methods.