n be
S in
one dimension fully agrees with the maximum information or
entropy of the underlying stochastic process (see, e.g., Blais
[1992b] for details).
In two and higher dimensions, these classical Fourier based and
parametric methods often lead to complications and ambiguities.
More specifically, extensions of the sample autocovariance
functions need to be compatible with causality and other
physical requirements of the observed process. The
nonuniqueness of the extension solution implies that the
estimated spectrum needs to be constrained to correspond to the
application requirements.
Numerous researchers have investigated the use of maximum
entropy approaches for spectrum estimation in two and higher
dimensions. Among them are Burg [1975], Pendrell [1979],
Wernecke and D'Addario [1977], Lim and Malik [1981], and
Lang and McClellan [1982]. The approach of Lim and Malik
[1981] is especially appealing with a recursive strategy using
fast Fourier transforms and the dual of the sample
autocovariance function. The latter has been studied and further
discussions can be found in Blais [1992b] with a variation of
the Lim and Malik [1981] approach having been proposed and
experimented with in Blais and Zhou [1990 and 1992].
The maximum entropy approach has intrinsic features which are
most interesting in the sense that the sample autocovariance
function is extended in an optimal manner without using
artificial constraints or models. The implemented conditions in
this extension are simply the positive definiteness for
realizability of the physical process and correlation matching for
known lags. In other words, only the implications of the
observed process are used in the estimation of the spectrum.
Among the characteristics of the spectrum estimates are the
resolution features, the consistency and reliability of the results.
In digital signal and array processing, filters are designed to
restore the information by removing the noise or correcting for
some degradation function. In several applications of signal and
array processing, the underlying process is not stationary with
the implication that the filters need to be adaptive to meet the
expectations. Adaptiveness in filter design means that the filter
parameters change whenever the conditions in the applications
warrant it. In other words, the filters are self calibrating in their
The adaptability of a mean or median filter in digital image
processing simply implies a variable mask or template over
which the mean and median operations are carried out. For
instance, under smooth texture conditions, a smaller mask may
be sufficient while under rougher conditions, the mask may
need to be larger for reliability and other similar requirements.
Other filter applications may have directional dependence and
hence the detection of optimal directions may be necessary for
adaptability to different conditions.
The adaptability of a spectral filter such as an inverse filter
would require a variable transfer function while an adaptable
Wiener filter would mean a variable transfer function or spectral
density function for the signal. In such applications, the average
information content often plays an important role as optimal
information extraction is the usual objective of the filtering. The
question of deciding on an appropriate measure for the
information content is very much dependent on the application
context and the specific objectives of the operations.
The problem of optimal filter design is essentially one of model
identification strategies and information theory is well known
for its applicability in these areas [e.g., Blais, 1987 and 1991b].
The observational and related information can usually be
analyzed in terms of information contents to infer a most
appropriate model for the application. A number of researchers
from Kullback and Liebler [1951] to Landau [1987] and others
have studied the use of information theory for these
applications. A number of distributional and related model
identification results can be found in Blais [1987 and 1991b].
There are still several open questions in model identification
concerning the consistency and asymptotic efficiency of the
selected models, especially in multivariate applications and
implementations with limited data samples and missing
observations. Research on these and related questions is
continuing, especially for digital image and array processing.
Inverse problems are among the most common problems
encountered in the physical sciences. With only limited
observational and other information, inverse problems often
present tremendous difficulties to the scientists who want
reliable answers that are justifiable and appropriate.
There are different classes of inverse problems depending on
the nature of the problems and the information involved. First,
there are mathematical inverse problems such as Cauchy
contour integration and the inversion of integral transforms in
purely analytical terms. Second, there are the inverse problems
exemplified by object reconstruction and tomography which
involve geometrical analysis as well as estimation
considerations. Third, there are the geophysical inverse
problems which involve much physics and geology for analysis
and interpretation of the results.
One implication of the preceding observations is that the study
of inverse problems is clearly more than a simple extension and
generalization of estimation theory. The perspective used in the
following is that inverse problems are problems with incomplete
information so that much of the experienced complications are
actually due to the missing information and the implications
thereof. One approach which has been successful in numerous
applications is using information theory and related
considerations. The advantages of this general approach will be
discussed in the following with examples of applications.
In strictly mathematical terms, the problem can be formulated as
where U describes a true state vector and u is the observed state
vector or the perceived signal or image after having been
corrupted or modified by mechanisms of observation or
measurement. The direct problem is primarily one of deductive
prediction, i.e. given prior knowledge of U and the operator K,
deduce or estimate u. The corresponding inverse problem, i.e.
given the observed or measured u and a specific operator K,
estimate the true vector U. In practice, it often occurs that K is
also poorly defined or even understood.
The general solution to any inverse problem can be described in
terms of Bayes' theorem which involves probabilistic measures
of the available information. Assuming that the observed or
measured vector u is a function of components Uy of the true
state vector U with the probability (ulUg) known, then Bayes'
theorem implies
U(ulU, MU, 11)
where I denotes the available prior information. In cases where
prior information is known to be uniform, then
WU, Iu, I) ec u(uIU, )
which implies a straightforward solution.
The preceding Bayes' theorem shows how to combine partial
information in a mathematically rigorous manner. Then the
principle of maximum information or entropy can be used to
arrive at optimal frequencies taking into consideration additional