more than 2,the point is non — isolated and non — structure to represent the image parallel thinning for
end. The current point is a signal, as long as the the north border algorithm as provided in figure 1.
value of this point is 1. Hence, we can use matrix
Fig. 1 Block Diagram for Image Thinning
The experimental result for this methodology is
showed in figure 2. Fig. 2 a). The Original Image.
5 E En Ideen b). The Thin—line Image after
Performing Image Thinning
Border following is one of the underlying techniques
in the processing of digitized binary images, and its
techniques have also found applications in various
other related problems, i. e. pattern recognition,
image analysis and image data compression. In
general, the borders of a subset S of an image are
considered as the set of points ad jacent to S in —S
a RS E is do which is the complement of S. The traditional
approach to find borders is that at first find a starting
point , decide the direction of the border in the 8
neighbors , and follow the trend. Moreover, the
USES | T intersection points must be put in the store, so that
rali } those points can be found in next loop. Especially,