Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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Michael Hahn 
Institute for Photogrammetry — Stuttgart University 
Keplerstrafe 11, D-7000 Stuttgart 1 
Commission III 
Automatic procedures exist for the acquisition of Digital Ter- 
rain Models (DTMs) from digital images as well as for the 
computation of digital orthophotos. Both, DTM and or- 
thophoto, are frequently derived within a common frame- 
work, in which the human operator plays a minor role. The 
situation is just inverse with regard to the verification pro- 
cess. The usual way is to superimpose a wireframe or contour 
line representation of the DTM onto the stereo images. Then 
the verification is carried out step by step by detailed visual 
Quality control and verification of digital terrain models have 
always been a problem. It is getting more demanding with 
regard to the automatic generation of DTMs by digital im- 
age matching, as also the verification should be automatic 
as far as possible. 
In this paper we outline possibilities of automatic DTM veri- 
fication using stereo orthophotos. The automatic verification 
is approached by exploiting the intensity differences between 
the stereo partners. Three different ways are discussed based 
on (1) regression analysis, (2) modelling radiometric differ- 
ences by finite elements and (3) generation of orthophoto 
pyramids. All three approaches result in a segmentation of 
the DTM into usually small areas, which are not represented 
completely by the model and the large remaining area which 
is consistent with the imaged world. Experimental results of 
simulations and real data indicate that by the computation- 
ally more efficient approaches (1) and (3) the misrepresented 
areas are located with higher significance than with the finite 
element procedure (2). 
Keywords: Image Analysis, DTM, Orthophoto, Stereo- 
scopic, Data Quality, Verification, Image Interpretation 
Digital terrain models and orthophotos 
Today digitization and digital processing of images are con- 
sidered to be the basis for developing procedures which au- 
tomatically produce standard products of photogrammetry. 
The term “automation” seems to be inherently attached to 
the technical development of each time period, even though 
the quality of automation increases usually and often previ- 
ously reached progress is incorporated in the actual one. In 
the last decade remarkable progress is achieved especially in 
the acquisition of digital terrain models (DTMs). Numerous 
presented papers discuss procedures, in which the manual 
measurement process is taken over from techniques of im- 
age matching. In connection with the algorithms for surface 
interpolation this leads to procedures in which the human 
operator plays a minor rule. The reconstruction processes 
presented recently, which solve the matching and interpo- 
lation step within one framework, work on the iconic level 
as well as the symbolic level of image description. State of 
the art is that many of these methods are checked by de- 
veloping prototypes. Moreover some of the prototypes are 
implemented operationally and matured to productive sys- 
tems (Ackermann and Krzystek, 1991). 
A second standard product in photogrammetry are the or- 
thophotos. In general there is a simple process of differential 
rectification in which the (aerial) photo is reprojected to be 
geometrically congruend to a map. In the case of digital im- 
agery this geometric definition of a digital orthophoto still 
holds. Using the terrain model and the orientation of the im- 
age, the location of each picture element of the orthophoto 
can easily be transformed to the aerial image. The intensity 
value at this image point then can be found by resampling. 
In some applications the area represented by an orthophoto 
pixel is significantly larger than the area of an object repre- 
sented by an image pixel, so that in this case strong smooth- 
ing accompanies resampling. This means, that the whole 
process is just a simple image processing procedure of differ- 
ential resampling. If the area for which an orthophoto has 
to be produced is not covered by one aerial image, pieces 
have to be put together from the adjacent photos. Within 
this process, called mosaiking, adjacent images are adjusted 
radiometrically, for example, in order to smooth away linear 
steps (Jansa and Guangping, 1990). That such an adjust- 
ment is necessary results from a simple fact: the intensity 
values in orthophotos of the same scene, resampled from dif- 
ferent images (taken from different positions in the world) are 
usually different. Assuming all geometric aspects (perspec- 
tive projection, orientation, surface model) to be perfectly 
known, these differences reflect noise (which we consider to 
be a minor problem) and physical aspects of image forma- 
tion. Unfortunately, the physical aspects of image formation 
we are concerned with correspond to the difficult question: 
what determines the intensity value at a particular point in 
the image and consequently in the orthophoto ? There is 
a whole chain of dependencies, which begins with the A/D 
converter characteristics of the scanner or the digital camera. 
Clearly how much energy arrives at a particular point in the 
image depends on the energy emitted from the surface, on 
the degree of absorption, on how the object is illuminated 
and how it reflects light. In most cases is assumed, that the 
reflectance model is a combination of a Lambertian model 
and a specular model. 

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